Monday, August 24, 2015

smile, please

I take too many pictures

     In the old days of film photography, I would be very careful with pictures.  I knew the cost in developing could be high, so I was careful to take only the pictures I wanted.  Even then, getting a developed roll back yielded pictures that screamed, "What the hell was I thinking?"
     The pictures and negatives went into a shoe box until they could go in an album.
     Now, with a digital camera, I just shoot and shoot and shoot.  I don't have a shoebox to store them in, but I do have a computer with a big memory.
     Big enough to store 13,540 photographs and 131 videos.
     131 videos.  Amazing.  I did not know I had a video option on my little camera.  Once I discovered it, a new world opened.
     And my phone?  There is a video option there also.  I have some great videos of blankets sitting on the ground at the Buffett concert, (1:31); the camera in my pocket after being at Emily's new house (2:45) the Cubs convention, the train ride in Switzerland.....
     Needless to say, I have learned to turn the phone off after I take pictures.  That way I don't accidentally film 2:45 of the dashboard on my car.
     I have made a goal of deleting pictures I don't want.  I started tonight.
     I now have 12,350 pictures.  I still have the 131 videos, which I don't understand because I have deleted several.  I thought.
     I deleted blurry pictures of the moon, pictures of flowers, (Yes, those were going to be made into 8 x 10 prints and installed in my antique window frame that was salvaged four times from Emily's basement.  I can always take new pictures.) my last class's Christmas program and the sumo wrestling event at Tilton my last year.   Ok, I did save one of the sumo pictures.  (Beth, it was a costume.)
     I saved pictures of my 60th birthday party because it was so much fun and brought back great memories.
     And every picture of Julia leaving or arriving, and every picture of Emily and her dogs, and every picture of Jackie telling me not to take her picture, and pictures of family.....all those I saved.
     But I still want to cull another 5,000 from my computer.
     I figure I will go slowly through the vacation pictures and eliminate blurry or duplicate photos...that should take care of at least 4,000.
     Meanwhile, here are a few of my favorite  pictures from my steam train ride  and train museum visit during my recent trip.....and I did not comment on all of them!

Craig reliving his Australian days.......

 There were hooks at the top of the windows and the leather straps were notched, like a giant belt.  Passengers would open the windows and hook the notch, which would hold  the window open.

 How do you clear snow off a railroad track????  Here's how!

 On the return trip, the engine backs down the mountain. I don't think it is pulling the train, more like holding the cars back so they don't careen madly down the mountain.

 Some old, and some new, friends.

     The gang's all here...except for Elizabeth and me.  Someone has to take pictures.
     Well, those were some of the highlights from my steam train trip at Julia's.
     Tomorrow, a walk around Vevey.
     Peace out, dudes.

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