Thursday, August 27, 2015

I found it

I can almost put up my bird feeder

     I got it a week or so before the tornado.  You remember, that EF 4 storm that ripped through the area.
     Anyway, my feeder and stand were in the garage, just waiting for me to install it.
     After the storm, we salvaged as much as we could from Emily's house.  All that we found went in our garage.
     Somehow, the parts to the feeder got separated.
     The garage is a little more manageable now, although there is still a lot of stuff in there.  I am going through boxes....again....and trying to get it all sorted.  Sort of.
     Anyway, I could not find a part or two for the feeder.  So I went back to the store in Rockford and got the part.
     "Do you still have the screws?" the nice man asked.
     "Yes, I still have those." I replied with a confident air.
     He gave me the part I needed and explained how to mount the feeder.
     I went home.  When I was organizing the garage today, I found the missing part.
     But   surprise!!  I can't find the screws.
     I imagine some day I will have all the parts together and will be able to mount the feeder.
     But it won't be this week.
     And an electrician came to look at my doorbell.  He thinks it's the transformer.
     Problem is, my transformer may be behind the drywall in the basement.
     So, I will be looking for a wireless doorbell system.
     Hopefully I can return the bell I bought.
     Life sometimes is rather disorganized.
     Or maybe it's just me.

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