Thursday, August 20, 2015


I think I am losing my mind

     Simple task.  Watch the dogs.
     Losing the key was not on the agenda, but that is what I did.
     I stopped at Emily's rental house last night after dinner.  I dropped off a cable.  I locked the door.        I put the keys in the (fill in the blank), and when I went to let the dogs out Thursday, could not find the keys.
     I looked everywhere.  Under the bed, in the car, in the sweatshirt I wore, in the car again....nada, zilch, not a thing.
     How can I lose a set of keys??
     Luckily I had a key that worked in the back door.  I did not know that until Emily messaged me that the key should unlock the back door.
     It did, and the dogs were let out in a reasonable time.
     But I can't believe I lost the keys.
     I know they will show up sometime, just not when I need them.
     I think I have a little jet lag working.  I went to bed at 9 last night but was up about 5:30, which is not normal.  I saw the sun rise!
     Holy cripes I am not used to that.
    I am tired, which may explain why I can't find the keys.
     On the other hand, if I lost the keys in Switzerland I would have a real problem.  Julia's new place has one door that can be opened with a key!  One!!  If you lose the key for that, you can't get in.
     All the other doors lock from the inside and can't be opened from the outside.
     So when I do go back, I will have to be extra careful with any key I need.
     Speaking of keys, I think I am going to bed.

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