Tuesday, August 25, 2015

not a negative outlook

Sometimes I can't believe myself

    I had a phone call.  Needed to call someone back.  Checked the phone and found the number.  It sounded familiar.  I dialed it.  As I was waiting for the call to be answered, my cell phone started ringing.  I answered it.  No one there.  No one on the house phone either.  Seems I called my cell phone then hung up on myself.  That's why it was so familiar.
    Still can't find the keys to Emily's rental.
    Set this week as garage cleaning week.  It's almost Wednesday.  I haven't even looked in the garage except to get in a car.  Maybe next week.
     Julia lives near Vevey in Switzerland.  It is a neat little town, very lively.  I enjoy going to the market and exploring the cobbled streets.
     So, here are a few shots of what I saw around Vevey.

 Dana....this one's for you.

 Magazine kiosk near the market

I think these are Chinese Lanterns?  

 I had egg plant twice while here....quite tasty!

 Flat peaches.  These are a white fleshed peach and the look like turbines.  They are good.

 I goofed.  The red soap toward the center is called "vin rouge" but I did not buy any.  Should have.

 Caramel is boiling.....

 This is what it becomes.

 More eggplants!

    There was a festival going on.  You could buy a glass, and as you wandered the market you could fill it with wine from one of the roving carts.  I love the carts....always wanted one but they are expensive and I have no idea what I would do with one!  But I still like them.

 This cheese has truffles in it.  Truffles are rare and expensive mushrooms, so that may explain why this cheese is 30 CHF a kilo, or about $7 a pound.

 You need a big blade and strong arms to slice cheese.

 In old town of Vevey....I love the sound of these horns.

 The police station.....

Switzerland is neutral, but has always been militarily prepared

What can I say?

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