Thursday, August 13, 2015

unicycle, bicycle ,recycle

I visited a recycling site the other day

     Here's the rub.  Julia lived in Chardonne.  She had a recycling drop off point a little ways from her home.  You could take plastic bottles, glass, clothing and aluminum there.  Paper was picked up every other week from in front of her house.
     Corseaux, where she now lives, has glass recycling.....but not plastic.  Paper and cardboard is picked up the third Wednesday of the month if you bundle it and take it to the street. Plastic drink bottles are not recycled in Corseaux.
     So recycling isn't the same from town to town.
     One thing is plastic bags get recycled.  Those go in the trash.
     So the other day a friend of Julia's offered to take her recycling....plastic, paper, cardboard, electronics, clothing, glass, to a local recycling center.
     It was amazing.
     Bins for glass, plastic, clothing, metal, lawn furniture, paper, electronics.  And then there was  "the store."
     The store was amazing.
     People who have something they don't want take it to the store for anyone to take.
     Julia had some glass vases she no longer wanted.  I put them on the miscellaneous table at the store and they were gone withing minutes.
      People go through the electronics for parts for projects or for repairs on similar appliances.
     There is a library of books, sorted by language:  French, English, Spanish, German......
     And it is all free.
     There were a lot of people there, dropping off stuff and browsing the store.
     The person I went with said she had found ice skates for her kids and patio chairs, all from people who no longer wanted the items.
     It was really neat.  My only regret was I did not bring my camera to take pictures, because I was only going to a dump and saw no reason to take a camera.
     Boy, was I wrong!
     So now she knows where to go and what to recycle.  It is a lot different from how we do it in Rochelle.  While ours is more customer friendly, the store  brings in the third r of recycling....reuse.
That's it.
A couple of pictures from today's storm, which dropped the temperature 15 degrees in a matter of minutes.

 There are mountain on the other side of the lake.... but the rain was hiding them.

     Right in the middle of the roof of the house nearest the lake is a white spot.  That is actually a flashing yellow light.  When a storm is approaching the lake, the lights go on in the towns on that part of the lake.  When boaters see the lights, they know to seek shelter.  Today's storm had some very sttong a lot of rain in a short time.  But the temperature has broken, and that is a relief.
     Should be a good night to sleep!

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