Wednesday, August 5, 2015

so long, fare well.....

This could be my last post for a while

     Today is moving day.  Movers will be here in about an hour to start the change.
     I will miss this apartment....great views, great bakery......but her new apartment is quieter and has more room.  It is actually a house, but she is renting.
     We spent most of yesterday, which I think was Wednesday, packing and packing.
     Last night we went out for dinner at a little neighborhood place near where Julia works.  It was a friend of hers birthday.  Stuart, who helped us move out the cave, turned 42....a babe in the woods.
     I was going to order a carbonara dish, but Julia said no, order the beef.  So I did.
Now some places have a different way of serving beef.  They bring out a raw chunk on a super heated soapstone and you cut and cook to your desired level of done.
      I can't imagine doing that in the states because someone will touch the stone and get burned, prompting a suit and several warning labels.
     Over here, you are expected to be smart enough not to touch a 400 degree stone.
And of course, Sheri, wine and dessert were involved!
     The Swiss are efficient.  When we got back we packed a few more things and went to bed.  I sat down at about 11:55 to do my blog and at 12, the Internet disappeared.  She's moving, and had it disconnected as of Aug. 6.
     Luckily I can access another system through her I phone.....wonders of invention. are a few pictures to highlight the last two days.
     Hopefully, I will be able to reconnect tonight and give a full report on the days  proceedings.....hopefully.
     Until we meet again.....

 Jackie was the sock lady.....

 Jackie gave the drainpipe a good bye kiss

 The gargoyle drainpipe at Julia's

 The stone is super hot....just slice and flip.  Cook to desiered taste then dip in the sauces....great food.

Jackie opted for a chicken salad.

A bib is provided.....the group called it a penis bib....don't know why.

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