Tuesday, August 4, 2015

what a walk!

My feet are killing me tonight

     Julia and I  went to her new place today.  I opted to walk from there to the market in Vevey.
     OK, I did not walk my fastest......so it took me a little over 35 minutes.  It was warm.  It was drizzly for a few moments.
     I strolled the market and bought some cherries, apples and a roasted chicken for supper.  Then I set off for Jumbo for more bubble wrap and more tape.
     I was struggling through my pocket for change to pay the bill.  I laid everything out on the counter as the lady ahead of me picked up her things and left.  I noticed she forgot part of what she bought, so I yelled Madame!  Madame!  She stopped, I walked out to her holding the item and she was most appreciative.
    So I paid my bill and walked to the fun, which is only about three minutes from Jumbo.
     The funi leaves at 14 minutes to the hour.  About one minute before it departs, I decide to take a photo and I can't find my camera!  I can't find my phone!!
    I get off and hustle back to Jumbo.  I go in, the clerk looks at me and I say "telephone?" and she hands me my phone and my camera!  Bless her heart, she kept if for me.  Funny thing, I don't remember where I left it....on the counter or next to the counter.  All's well that ends well.
     The previous renter of the house Julia is getting had to meet with an agent before he could sign the apartment over to Julia.
     The agent went through the house, noting things that were not right and comparing them to the original rental agreement of 8 years ago.  He checked drawers, shades, doors, the stove, oven, fridge....making sure it was clean and working.  It took 90 minutes!
     Julia has to go through the same process when she vacates.  First the apartment has to be painted, then cleaned.  Professional cleaners come in and do the cleaning because they know how to make the agents happy.
     It's a very strange way to operate.
     Speaking of that, Julia has a lease through December.  She can not leave the lease early unless she finds someone to rent the apartment.  She has two people interested and the rental agency has the information.  Once she finds a tenant, she is off the hook.  The agency can decline the tenant, but doing that also gets Julia off the hook.
     Like I said, it is different.
     Now for some pictures.

 Julia has a roll down shade to keep the sun out of the house

Walking through the grapes is a popular past time

 Evening sunset was beautiful

Julia's new place....this is the living room from the dining room.

 View out the living room....I was concerned about the view.  No worries now!

 Looking toward Geneva....apartment  building next door is three levels and should not block her view.

 This is one of the guest bedrooms on the first level.  Very large with an en suite bathroom... sort of.

 The outside of the house.  There has been no measurable rain for about 6 weeks...all the lawns are brown and dry.  Under the tarp is a Mercedes .... and no, we can not drive it!
 This tree is huge!  I was amazed at its size.
 Sausages at the market in Vevey

This is a British store booth at the Vevey market.  Everything in it was from England.  There are a few Englishman in Vevey and my guess is he does a good business.

This antique market was part of the market.  I remember the cow bells from last year.

Veggies and fruit rule the day

But sunflowers were also on hand.

Our dinner tonight was from here....I love the chickens and the adventure of ordering one.

A chocolate shop in Vevey....I had never seen it before.  Premium chocolate, all hand made on site.

OK, Vevey has a less desireable side also.  This complex of apartment buildings houses lots of immigrant families.  Graffiti is pretty common, as are ethnic groceries and lots of people just hanging out.

Well, that's all for tonight!

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