Tuesday, August 11, 2015

what a sweet deal

I became a chocolate maker 

     Truffles, actually.
     Julia treated us to a truffle making class at the Cailler headquarters in Broc.
     It was a pretty awesome experience.
     Thomas, the chef in charge, led us through the multi step process of creating truffles.  We added liquor, decided on toppings, sampled a little of our work (ok, licking the hands counts as sampling to me) and eventually making two dozen truffles.
     It was a long day.  Jackie, Julia and I were there about 5 hours.  The class was almost 3 hours and we followed with a tour of the Cailler factory.  Cailler was the original chocolate maker in Switzerland and after Nestle figured out a way to make milk chocolate, the two eventually merged into one candy maker.
      That's a brief and highly inaccurate history.
     Making truffles is a pretty precise operation.  Heat the creme to boiling, add butter and chocolate but do not reheat the pan a lot, add alcohol, whisk everything to a state of smoothness and then refrigerate it all.
     While it was cooling, Thomas showed us the next step:  Loading our glob into a pastry bag and squirting out the most perfect ovals on parchment paper.  He took about 15 minutes to do this, and by then the  mix was cooled enough to load into the pastry bags.  Mine came out looking like dog turds from very small dogs.  Not to worry.
     The drops went back into the cooler while the next step was demonstrated.  That was taking the blobs, breaking them, rolling them and putting them back on the parchment paper.  Then we cooled it again so it was ready for the next step:   putting on the finishing touches,  toppings, chocolate swirls, white chocolate swirls.
     It was all very cool.
     But the proof is in the pudding.
     I have saved mine and will be sharing them with family and maybe a few friends when we get home. I don't know if Jackie and Julia will hold on to theirs , but so far we have not eaten all of them.
Which is a miracle.
     Anyway, the move is almost done....a few more boxes up at the old apartment.  Cable people were here today and said the cable is not "big" enough for Julia to run Internet.  A new cable has to be installed, but they did not say when that would be done.
     So, my access is spotty and limited.
     Have not done much wandering while I am here, but hope to get to explore a little around her new town of Corseaux.
     And as usual, I have dropped my little camera and now it does not seem to recharge.  And I am missing the connecting cord for my big camera, so when I do post again it will be with I phone pictures....if I remember to charge my I phone.
     Anyway, a few shots from Cailler.

This is the finished product.....

 My lumps looked liked dog turds.

 Yikes.....this isn't easy!

 Filling my pastry bag....ready for the next step.

 Let the class begin....I am ready!

Jackie pouring her mix into the pastry bag.

I think this is a perfect mix.

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