Sunday, August 9, 2015

where to begin?

I think I survived the move

     It's the unpacking that is killing me!
     Schlepping boxes from one room to another, unpacking dishes, drinking is all very tiring!
     Just a little about the move.
     It was 91 degrees last Thursday.  It was hot.  And humid.
     The truck showed up on time.....but they could not get it backed down the hill.  So the three guys had to hand carry everything half way up Julia's driveway.
     I get winded with the garbage.  I can't imagine what it is like carrying a sofa!
     The truck filled once, then a second time.  The three guys worked until about 5:30.....they were hot   and sweaty.  We kept them provided with water.... but when it is that hot, it may not help.
     Julia had her eye on an Ikea table for outside.  So we went to  Bern Friday.
      Now I know I measure poorly.....but I swear on my dead granny's bed skirt that the table would fit in the Honda CRV she borrowed.
     We had it in the car at one point.  I would have had to ride back to Chardonne almost laying flat in the front seat with the table over my head.  Julia would have been scrunched up so far in the front seat she would have had to hold her breath for an hour.
     C'est impossible!
     We ended up tieing it into the Honda and driving home with the trunk slightly ajar.
     My job, in the + 90 temps, was to put the grill and table together so the people coming over at 7 could eat.
     Her first cook out was a success.  So on Saturday, she had a friend of ours and his wife and adorable daughter over a barbecue.....first rain in months.  But all worked out well...good food, great visiting with George and Monica and great meeting their daughter Stanzi.  Actually, I met her in 2010 when she was born, and int 2011 when she was 1.....but she is one adorable 5 year old.
     She can speak French, English, and Swiss German....and like most kids her age she flows smoothly from one language to another.  She even taught me a few French words as we played princess and the castle before supper.
     Which brings us to  today, Sunday......
     But that will be tomorrow's topic, if  I can get on the Internet.
     The wiring in the house does not seem to be quite what was expected, so she has to call the cable company tomorrow.  Hope their service is better than you know who.
     Meanwhile, tonight it is raining, again.  The storm is moving across the can't see the mountains.  Last night the yellow lights were flashing an a strong windstorm went through.....quite exciting when you are cooking out!
     Here are some photos.

The bus stop here is Grand Pin.  This pine tree is absolutely astounding in its size.
 Yes, I had some Starbucks......white mocha with a dollop of whip cream....the creme was served in a side dish.

 Yes, it's back to school time here too!

 Storm moving into the area .... very windy!

 I thought this was the Ikea snack bar, one of hte containers is for liquids!  If you don't finish your drink, you pour the liquids out into a separate container!

 I thought it would fit!  Seriously!!

OK, we will just tie it down!

Starting with a clean slate

 Table together...what about the grill?  Company's a coming!!

 Table set....sausages all worked!

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