Sunday, August 23, 2015

where do I begin?

It has been a busy week for me

     I think I am nuts.  And if not crazy, then just tired.  Crazy tired?
     We came back early Wednesday from Switzerland.  Went out to dinner Wednesday night, baby sat the dogs Thursday night, Cubs game Friday afternoon, energy fair volunteer Saturday morning, Jimmy Buffett Saturday night, church picnic Sunday.... I am damn tired tonight.
The Cubs won Friday.  This makes me 1-5 in games at Wrigley this year.  It was great to see a win and be able to wave my W flag in the stands. Yes, I was one of those goofy people at the end of the game.  John and Dan put up with me but seeing a Cubs win makes it all worth while.
     By the way, they have now won four in a row and are 4-2 since I returned to US nah nah nah to all you naysayers who thought I was the goat!  (No Doug, I am a goat of a different color.)
     Saturday morning I was ticket taker at the Illinois Renewable Energy Association fair in Oregon.  I love this event, because there are many good ideas on how to reduce energy use in the home.
     Unfortunately, there were not as many vendors as in years past.  Plus, I only had a few minutes to go through the vendors because I had to get ready for Jimmy!!
    I was a Buffett virgin three or four years ago.  Since then, I have been to 4 concerts.  Or is it 5?  Holy cow, can't remember.
     Anyway, if you have never been to a Parrothead show, you are missing a very strange and exciting event.
     We got there at 3:30 for a 7 p.m. show and the parking lot was full of people tailgating.
     You see all sorts of people and behaviors.  There was a Jimmy's Jugs cut out where people are invited to step up and show their breasts.  And yes, one young lady did while I was watching.  I am sure her mother is proud.
     There is also a free drink dispenser for Margareta's that strongly resembles a male reproductive organ....that sort of rhymes with genius..... and anyone could step right up and get a mouthful.  (Note:  I did not.)
     It was fun watching people.  Not only at the x rated booth, but at the show in general.  People go there to have fun....and we did.
     Chris cooked burgers, Carrie brought food, TC had cookies, I brought potato salad and we had a great cookout and concert experience.
      I did try yelling for a friend of mine, but I guess she did not hear me among the 30.000 or so that had to be there.
      So I was a little tired for the church picnic today.  We cut up fruit for our dish to pass.
     We just had our knives sharpened.
     Put the two statements together and you will know why I am wearing a bandage on my finger.
     Some pictures of the weekend.

Big crowd at the yard

Neon hat give a way in the bleachers

 Harry came back for the seventh inning!

So, if beer is $9 and you buy four......

 Just liked the reflections in the building

 Where is this foot?

 Grillin' and chillin'

 Getting close to the neighbors....who were nice people.

 Three cars down from us was a former student and his wife....they recognized me and yelled my name.
It's a costume, thank heavens!

 Weird world, isn't it?

 Flamingos in the hair

Plenty of coconut bras and even a cheese bra

Read the shirt]

The yougins in front of us mush have taken 300 photos of themselves

 Monica, that is a cigar said Bill, never

A good crowd.
And a good night.

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