Thursday, January 22, 2015

holy cow.......

I think I am sick

     I asked Jackie if I felt hot today, she did not think so.  But I took my temp, and it was 100.2.  My head is stuffy, my joints ache and I am tired.
      I am not a good sick person.  I whine.  I moan.  I complain.  I eat constantly.
      I can never remember:  Starve a cold and feed a fever or vice versa?  So I eat like crazy.
      I also drink hot Tang.   I put some honey in it and it soothes my throat.
      I also have Vick's VapoRub to slather all over my tender body.  It is actually kinkier sounding than it really is.
     So I am going to bed.
     Hopefully, I will sleep all night and be better in the morning.
     If not, then I guess I'll be going to urgent care tomorrow night!

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