Saturday, January 24, 2015

It's a ground floor opportunity...really!

I read Dear Abby and I want to go to Cuba

     How in the world are those two thoughts related?
     I am glad you asked.
     Like I said, I read Dear Abby...or whatever it is in the Trib.  Today there were two letters, one from a person who has a relative planning a trip overseas.  The person said the relative had sent her a "crowd sourcing" letter, spelling out all the benefits of the trip and how people could help by contributing.
     The second letter was from a woman whose friend arranges parties and dinners, then tells the people how much they have to pay.  For example, the friend organized a birthday party for herself, then told people how much they owed for room rental and appetizers eaten at the party.  There is a wedding in the future, and the writer suspects she will get an invitation with a note to fund the wedding or the honeymoon.
     I have wanted to go to Cuba for several years.  I think it would be neat to see what a country under Communism looks like first hand.  The old cars, quaint buildings, Hemingway sites, cigar factories, they all fascinate me.
     So I thought:  Crowd source!!
     Here is your opportunity to live life through me!
     Your donation will bring you the inner peace that can be achieved by sending someone (me) on a fantastic trip.
     I have even determined levels.
     Basic:  $1....You will get a postcard from me.  Now it is possible those may be mailed in the US, where the postal rate is cheaper, but...there is hope.
     Basic Plus:  $10.....In addition to a postcard, which may or may not be mailed in Cuba, you will receive a digital e-mail featuring a picture of me in front of a Cuban building of some sort.
     Silver:  $25....You will get both Basic benefits, plus an e mailed picture of me standing in front of, or next to, a vintage auto still in use in Cuba.
     Gold:  $50.... Basic and Silver benefits, plus a selfie of me eating at an outdoor cafe in Havana!
     Platinum:  $100.... Basic plus Gold and Silver benefits and an authentic hand rolled Cuban cigar and a selfie of me attempting to hand roll a Cuban cigar while working the camera.
     This is truly an opportunity that needs to receive your immediate attention.  Act now!  I want to go before Starbucks, McDonald's and Hilton Hotels change the landscape forever.
     And if this proves fruitful, I may even try crowd sourcing my way to a barge and biking trip through the heart of France!!

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