Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Cubs Convention....part three

I ate historic fare while in Chicago

     Dan and Linda pointed out that while the Palmer House in downtown Chicago is an opulent, throw back hotel, it also has a place in culinary history.
     In 1893, the World's Fair was held in Chicago.  Bertha Palmer's husband owned the hotel, and she asked the pastry chef to create a dessert that was cake like in nature, but in a small piece  which could easily be eaten out of a box lunch.  She realized the fair would draw thousands of people to the newly rebuilt city, and they would be hungry.
     The chef came up with the brownie, and history was made.  The original creation was covered by an apricot glaze and walnuts.  Dan and I sat at the bar and had a brownie on Friday night.  Today it is served  as originally created, but with a small scoop of ice cream and a dollop of chocolate mousse.   It was very good.
     Of course, we sat at the back of the bar....figured we were not up to Palmer House standards to sit in the front section, where you can be seen.  But it was a classy experience.  A lady next to us sounded like one of the munchkins....she had the most irritating voice!  I know why she was there....but a couple of A listers like us??  Go figure!
     I had a warm apple cider with brandy, mainly because I was a little chilled.  That was powerful!
     Back to the convention.
     Some 7,000 tickets were sold.  Famous players, players yet to be famous, fans, vendors, a whole bunch of people.
     It was my first experience at a Cubs Convention.  It may not be my last one.
     I am just sorry I waited so long.

My brownie and drink at the Palmer House bar
Jon Lester....can't walk on water, yet

This man was sitting on the can.  Literally.  We saw several people with these, and I asked a guy where he got it and what was in in.  He carried water, snacks, autograph material and who knows what else so that when he waited in line, he had a place to sit and all the stuff he needed to bide his time.  This gent has been to every Cub Convention....all 30.  This year he also brought his grand daughter, whom I believe he said was six or seven months.

Can you say Ronnie Woo Woo??   Really him, not a statue, the real Ronnie Wickers

Crowd waiting to get into bingo

My kind of town, Chicago is.

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