Sunday, January 4, 2015

deja vu ... all over again

I have more ups and downs than an Otis!

     As in weight.  On Jan 2, 2014, my blog said I hit 200 pounds.  I made it down to 192 in September, but now I am back at 200!!  Holy crap!
     I wonder why.  In the last couple of weeks I have eaten at Portillo's, Yen Ching, Country School, Beacon on the Green, Aldo's, Alfano's, a pizza  place in Cherry Valley,  a German-Italian restaurant named Himmels in Chicago, plus every cookie I could get my hands on!
     I am like an unleashed beast, craving food at every step.
     But the holidays are officially over.....July 5 is the 12th night, if I count correctly.  Epiphany.  Well, I am having an epiphany about my weight.  Again.
     All the decorations are down and put away.  Check that, two items remain out upstairs and the downstairs tree is still standing.  No hurry.
     Julia is thinking about packing, but I don't think she owns enough suitcases for all her stuff.  She leaves Wednesday, which means I will be an emotional blob for a few days.
     Once she leaves, I will be welcoming snow storms.  Storms coming after she leaves means a hassle free departure for O'Hare.
     It also gives me blocks of time to watch Netflix movies and shows....and maybe get caught up on Downton Abbey.
     And most importantly, ride my exercise bike.  493 miles to go.

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