Tuesday, January 27, 2015

I joined the new age today

I now have an I Phone

     Tonight I found out it can talk to me.  I can tell it to call home.  Or Jackie's mobile.  And some day, maybe it will.
     But tonight, it just said it could not do that at this time.
     Remember, I am a techno goofus.  I can't do much on my computer except play solitaire and check Facebook and e-mails.  And this blog.  After that, it is a learning experience.
     Why did I get an I phone?
     My flip phone was getting antiquated.  I can't text on it.  It won't take decent pictures.  I can't use it to find directions.  
     Course I can't with my new phone, because I don't know how yet.
     True story.  On the way home from the Cubs Convention the train was packed.  A young guy, who teaches in Sycamore, sat next to me.  We chatted all the way back to Elburn.  At one point I took out my phone to see if I had any messages.  His eyes grew wide.  "You have a flip phone??  I don't know if I have ever really seen one up close!"
     I think someone should, on a regular basis, offer classes for old folks on how to use computers for specific things.
     I can't figure out how to delete stories out of my Pages program.  I have all sorts of stuff in there I don't want.  And I can't seem to set up folders correctly.  I have one folder that has all sorts of stuff from another folder in it, so now there are two of every thing.
     Maybe Siri can tell me how to fix that little problem, eh?
     I used to leave my flip phone in the car.  I figured, no one is going to steal that.  Now I have to be on guard with my new phone.  I can't just leave it in the car, or in my coat, or on my desk.....what if I lose it?  Where do I put it in the summer when I don't wear a coat and have only pants pockets to rely on?
     Why does this have to be so difficult???
     And an update, of sorts.  I finally walked today.  Jan 27, and I got my first 2 mile trek in.  At this rate, I'll never hit 500 miles.
     Might as well go to bed.

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