Wednesday, January 7, 2015

It's that time of year again

We took Julia to the airport tonight

     For those of you who know me, that involves some nervousness, apprehension and tears.
     Not ashamed to admit it, I cry.  I start the night before and periodically through the day I just burst into tears.  When she steps into that security check line, I have a hard time seeing clearly.
     Maybe that's why it took me almost 40 minutes to get back to the car and pick Jackie up from door 1F.
     I don't think it was, but lack of concentration could have been an issue.
     After I left the parking lot, I followed the sign that said:  Terminal reentry.
     I followed the road, and found that I was on the arrival deck.  Jackie was waiting at the departure deck.
     Of course, traffic is congested.  Cars stop, taxis cut, buses merge.  So I inched my way past the arrival zone.  I looked for signs.  One said:   City Exit and terminals.  Another said: Terminal reentry.
I took terminal reentry, and was on the same road as the one I just took.  At some point there was a sign that said I could not enter the terminal departure lanes.  It didn't take a sign to tell me that, as there was a median with shrubs and bushes between my lane and where I wanted to go.
     So I drove through the arrival section....again.  Watched for merging  buses, cars that stop and taxis that cut.  When I hit the sign that said:   City Exit and terminals, I took that one.  I drove.  And drove.  And drove.
     At an intersection, there was a left turn lane and a sign that said:  Terminals .  I was in the far right lane.
     Fortunately, I was in a familiar area.  Unfortunately, I remembered the area from when I took John to pick up a rental car.  In keeping with tradition, I made the same turn around as I did last summer.
     I went back to the correct turn lane, reentered the airport and finally got back to where Jackie was patiently waiting.
     I don't think she thought I abandoned her, but that may have entered her head.
     Meanwhile, Julia is comfortably settled in first class, having a glass of champagne or two and taking a Xanix type drug.  (Emily, I know it is not spelled correctly).  That's when they announced a delay because the toilets were frozen on the plane.
     Seriously!  And you know what happens when you can't use a have to!
     Besides champagne, a chair that folds flat into a bed, turn down service for the night, first class allows her to take 70 pound suitcases.....2 of them.  She also checked a third 70 pound bag.  She managed to get her new set of dishes, some clothes, housewares and a kitchen sink on board for the trip to Switzerland.  I don't know how she will manage at Geneva airport.
     In the end, all worked out well.  She took off almost 2 hours late, we made it back home without any problems, and life is settling back into the non Julia routine.
     Excuse me, I have to go get some tissue now.
     Thanks for understanding.

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