Tuesday, January 6, 2015

REally, it's just a rumor but....

I sort of knew about the Swingers Club

     But truthfully, I am the last person to really know about these things.
     When we are out to dinner the other night, the subject of a Swingers Club for couples came up.  And no, we were not talking about one for ourselves, only that there was one operating openly in Rochelle.
     You didn't  know there was a club in Rochelle?  They have a website.  (Yes, I call it fact checking, not porn surfing....but it is there.  If you Google Swingers Club and Rochelle, you'll find it.)
     I was sad to see there were no upcoming events listed.
     I thought perhaps there would be a throw a key in the pile and leave with the person whose key you picked night.  With my luck, I would get the girl who looks like me.  But worse luck, a girl might get a guy who looks like me.
     Or pizza with canolli for dessert night.  Something naughty, but tasteful to fit the advertising standards.
     No mention of dues, but there is a spot for donations.  Just think about that.  There are people dieing of starvation and yet, a Swingers Club has a button for donations.  Priorities.
     Of course, no names are listed.  I am glad to know that.  I don't know if I could look a Swinger in the eye and have a decent conversation that didn't get filled with sexual references every time I said something.
     Rumor has it that the website used to include pictures, although I could not find any.  There are also rumors about where it is headquartered, but I don't want to say.  And please, don't tell me.  I really don't want to know.
    Now, you may have learned something.
    Aren't you glad you read me today??

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