Sunday, January 18, 2015

Koozie Girls, where are you??

I really enjoyed the Cubs Convention

     I met a lot of interesting people, who I will never see again.  I saw ball players past and present, sat in on some fun sessions, and made quite an impression on some youngsters.
     Dan and I were hanging around waiting for Cubs Bingo to start.  A young lady asked if we wanted a koozie to wrap around our Buds.  It was funny, because we did not have any Buds and no use for more koozies.
     But she was young.  And attractive.
     Minutes later, they had multiplied.  There were now five of them.  Some guy asked if he could get his picture taken with them and they said yes.
     I waited, when they were done I asked them if I could get my picture with them.
     They giggled and said sure.
     I reminded them I was an old guy with at least one heart attack, so they had better be prepared.   We stood in a half circle and they smiled, I smiled, they giggled, I giggled, and Dan took the picture.       During this one of them asked my name, and I told them.  A couple of them said , "Hi, Terry."
     Dan was next, and he was even luckier than me because now there were six!
     I might add,  the girls were all quite young and quite attractive.
     So Dan and I waited for Cubs Bingo to open.  And we waited.  And we waited.  There was a bunch of people waiting.
      The door opens and out come the Koozie Girls.  They walk right past us and I jump in front and say,  "Hey Koozie Girls, remember me?"  They stop, look, and I hear:  "Garry, no Jerry," and finally, "Terry!"  I laughed with them and they went on their way.
     This young guy looks over at me and said, "How did you do that?"  I smiled and said nothing.
     So we go into the hall and sit at a table.  The young guy was in a party of three and we sat with them.  Pretty soon, here come a couple of Koozie Girls passing out koozies.
     They come by the table and I look at her and say, "Koozie Girl, who am I?"
      She looks, laughs, and says, "Terry."
      I thought the young kid was going to have a heart attack.  He called to her, but she ignored him.
     She passed again, and this time said, "Hello, Terry," when she saw me.
It made an old man feel pretty darn good.  I wonder if they missed me when I left...again, in my world they did.
     Yes, I saw other people.  But, this is fodder for a couple of days of blogs, so for now, just some samplings.

The Bud Koozie Girls and their favorite old guy, at least in my world.
Rollie Fingers still has the handle bar moustache

Glenn Beckert and Bobby Dernier

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