Monday, January 19, 2015

Cubs convention....part two

I did not get any autographs last weekend

    I didn't even try.
    I figured, I have so much stuff in my house now, a few autographs could be the point of tipping the house over or leaving it upright.  I chose upright.
     There were plenty of autographs to get.  Some you had to pay for.  A $20 donation was asked for autographs in the Fergie Jenkins area.  The money goes to a foundation, which I understand exists to support players in need from the olden days, before TV deals and mega contracts.
     You could also opt to meet and greet.  Dan wanted to get Billy Williams autograph.  There was a meet and greet for Billy.  Fans could pay $150 and meet Billy, get him to autograph something, and then chit chat as time allowed.  Each person could bring one person.  There were 15 slots available for the 30 minute meet and greet time period.  That means, if everyone brought a guest, there would be about 1 minute to say hi, ask for an autograph, talk about the team, ask about his get the picture.  I offered to be Dan's guest, and thank heavens he did not take me up on it!
     Other current players were on hand at specific times to sign.  If they were scheduled for 30 minutes, they signed for 30 minutes.  If you were the next person in line after that time limit, you just might be out of luck.
     So, no autographs.
     It was kind of a thrill to be there and say hi to Hall of Famers like Fergie Jenkins, Rollie Fingers and Lee Smith.....who should be in the Hall if he isn't.  And seeing other Cubs up close was pretty cool.  The team was introduced and walked down a runway and John, Dan and I  sat right next to it, so you could actually see them sweat.  (The players, not John and Dan.)
     When I was a kid, I used to hang around Wrigley after games and ask for autographs.  I know I have Ed Bouchee, George Altman, Ernie Banks.....but I can't find the book with all the names.
      I must have waited an hour when Ernie finally came out and got in his car.  I kind of remember it being a baby blue Cadillac, but that might not be right.  I went up to him as he was getting ready to drive off and asked him to sign my book....and he did.
     Another time I saw a man come out of the players entrance and I asked him for his autograph.  He gladly gave it.  To this day, I have no idea what his name was or who he was....I could not read anything he wrote.
     But I can't find the book.
     I had hoped to see Ernie and Pat Hughes, but both had minor medical issues and could not be a the convention.
     Maybe next year.
     Tomorrow:  How we ate a piece of history.

Fergie Jenkins

Lee Smithy

You could buy lots of pins to keep or trade

Clark drew a crowd....why doesn't he have pants??

It was actually made of fiberglass

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