Friday, January 9, 2015

A trip down memory lane

Sometimes I like the good old days

     No, not the times we had cholera and the Black Plague.  Those were not fun times.  I remember as a kid, my mom yelling at me about playing with the rats because of the connection with the plague.  Those were tough days.
     I mean the recent good old days.
     When you could shop at local stores, buy products made in the USA, have enough money to catch a ball game or two. (In case you are wondering, I may have won the big lottery drawing tonight.  Or I may have not won.  I never check the numbers.  I prefer to wait a day or two, or even a week.  I like the tension to build.  If someone hasn't claimed the prize by Monday, I will probably look.  Maybe .)
     Once upon a time there was a really neat wine store in Creston, called The Rouge.  It was a place to gather, talk with friends, enjoy a glass of red or white, and a time to chill.  I miss the place.
     It seems like just tonight I was there, having some wine and visiting with people.  Talking about the Cubs, the weather, life in general.
     But The Rouge closed, much to the disappointment of a lot of people.
     So it must have been a dream.  A good dream.
     Fridays are usually pizza night...heck, every Friday is pizza night in my house.  We did not have pizza tonight.  In fact, we have not cooked a meal in.....let's see, 11 days.  11 days!  We have existed on dining out, left overs, dining out, left overs and some more left overs from dining out.
     But tonight was the end.  The food is almost all gone, one way or another.
     I have found some pita breads.....but I have no idea what we could do with them.
     I also have had some Steak Ums for lunch today....maybe the smell will be out of the house tomorrow.
     Cookies...gone.  Candy....almost gone.  Salad fixings.....enough for three more nights.
      I think I will be fooded out for a while.
      Quite unusual for me to say that!


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