Sunday, January 25, 2015

what happened??

I feel like Rip Van Winkle

     It feels like the Cubs Convention was just yesterday....and it was a week ago!
     I have lost a week!!
     Damn cold.
     I spent all day Sunday prone on the downstairs couch, watching Poirot mysteries on Netflix.
     This is a series based on Agatha Christie mysteries, which featured a strange little foreigner.
     He always bristles when he is called French.  One of my favorite lines came with this retort:  Sir, I am not a half baked no nothing idiotic Frenchman.  I am from Belgium!"  Or something like that.
     David Suchet plays Poirot.  He did something like 25 seasons of the show, with three or four shows per season.  Recently, the last ones aired.  They have to be the last ones, because, well, I won't spoil the final episode.
     What's amazing is to follow the primary actors through the years.  In the first episodes Poirot and Miss Lemon, Capt. Hastings, and Inspector Japp are fairly young.  In the final episodes, Hastings and Lemon had aged a lot, as had Poirot.  I did not see Japp.
     Sometimes I wish I had a movie of my life.  I could watch the progression through the years, the physical and mental changes that occur would be documented.
     But then again, maybe it would be too depressing.
     I am on season I have a ways to go.
     I just hope I don't have to be sick to watch them.

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