Monday, January 5, 2015

Did Hemingway have these problems?

I think my career as a travel writer has ended

     I am using the term career loosely.  I had three articles printed in the Sunday Tribune travel section.  Now a lot of people never get one, and I got three, so that in itself is a victory.
     I was paid $300 for the first, $150 for the second, and $75 for the you can see my trajectory was negatively skewed.  Word count was cut in half, then half again, so it's reasonable to assume the money was too.
     Before I went to visit Julia, I sent a list of stories I thought would be of interest.  Sent it twice. Never received an answer.
     In my book, that is a "thanks but we are not interested in you anymore and stop bugging us" response.
     Blaach to them!
     Successful writers develop markets and contacts.  They put a lot of effort into finding an outlet for their creative juices.
     I e-mail one guy.
     I still have an idea of putting all my travel stories into a book and seeing if there is a market for that.
     But then I realize, I will be almost 70 by the time I get that done.  When it becomes a best seller, I'll be too old to make the late night talk show circuit where I'd  sit next to Jennifer Aniston or George Clooney, which means I'll never get invited to his Lake Como house to spend a few days chilling with him and his new bride.
     I  still dream of writing that best seller.  The fact I have not finished any of the four books I started doesn't prevent me from starting a fifth.
     Maybe I should look at it like this blog.  A little bit at a time, one day at a time.
     Set a date, set a target, work at it.
      486 miles to go on a bike, 500 on foot.

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