Tuesday, January 13, 2015

When is the last time?

I swear I am doing something for the last time

     And then I do it again.
     Never fails.  This is the last cookie I will eat and bingo, my hand is in the bag fishing out another  three Mallomars.
     The last time I save some useless bit of crap and bingo, my basement is full of stuff that has no value to anyone, including me, and I keep adding to it.
     The last time I use sarcasm to make a point.  Oh yeah, like  no one else ever does that?
     The last time I am ever in a play....and here I am, playing Loomis, a slightly off handyman in a New York apartment building.
     I don't know why I do it.
     Rehearsals.  Learning lines.  Giving up nights playing solitaire to interact with real people.  I just don't understand why I do it.
     That's where I am.  Rehearsing.  Learning lines.  Having fun with people.
     On the medical front, my arm is still a little sore.  I met with the ortho guy Monday and I am going to continue rehabbing for another six weeks.
     I could have surgery, but he's not sure how much good that will do now.  I have most of my arm back, but I do have trouble if I reach sideways for something heavy, like a mug of tea.....but at least now I can pick up a gallon of milk, put on my coat, and sleep without major pain.
     It is healing, just very slowly.  As it is for "people in my age group."
     Just like learning lines.....a little harder to do for "people in my age group."
     Sigh....wish I was 50 again.

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