Sunday, January 11, 2015

Was it that long ago?

I have been watching a lot of old TV shows

     Newhart, for example.  The show where he owned the inn in Vermont.  And Friends.  And WKRP, although I don't know why, we have that on DVD.  By the time I figure out how to load it and play it, I am too frustrated to laugh.  So watching it on the cable channel is better for me.
     Now I did not think any of those shows were on a long time ago.  Friends was on in the 90s, at least.  But watching it, you realize how far we have come.
     The have a land line in their apartments.  Then never use a computer unless at work.  They don't shop on line.  And I think Ross has a cell phone, but I am not sure.  He always uses Monica's phone to make calls.
     We have come a long way in technology since then!  If they did that show today, everyone would be sitting in the coffee shop on their Smartphones, texting, Facetiming, Instagramming or whatever else people do today.  The show would have been totally different.  It could be filmed in any Starbucks!
     And tonight Dick Lowden (AKA Newhart) was using a typewriter!!  Not even a word processor, but a bang on the keys and use correcting tape typewriter!  Plus,  he took a trip on a train!  Imagine that, riding a train from one spot to another in our lifetime.  (To be fair, Amtrak does try.  OK, so their train out of Chicago to New York was 14 hours late and a lot of passengers complained about having to sleep in a train station in sub zero weather with thin blankets....but hey!  We are not Europe!)
     At WKRP Johnny and Venus are playing records on a turn table and talking about rock and roll being shocking!
     Either civilization has moved along quickly, or I am older than I think.
     This week there was a story of a woman who was over 100 years old, and I wonder about the changes she has seen in this world.  Enough, probably, to make your head spin.
     Then I wonder about the changes I have seen....and the changes ahead.
     Talking phones?  Hover boards?  Electric cars?  A Cubs' World Series??
     Anything is possible.

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