Monday, January 26, 2015

oops......learn something new every day

 I am sorry I said no

     A while ago a friend asked if I was interested in going to a benefit in Chicago.  It was Wood'y's Winter Warm Up, a benefit for a foundation run by Kerry Wood.
     As you know I am a little socially maladjusted.  Going to a benefit with a whole lot of strangers is not in my DNA.
     But I was wrong.  I should have gone.
     The silent auction part featured two life time dreams.....both within my reach.
     Throwing out the first pitch at Wrigley for a Cub game.
     Singing the Seventh Inning Stretch.  (OK, is it capitalized?  I think today it is.)
     Plus I could have mingled with some famous and semi famous people, like Jarrett Payton, Ronnie Woo Woo, Jon Lester.....well, maybe not Jon Lester.  And maybe not Jarrett Payton, but certainly Ronnie Woo Woo!
     But I said no.
     Next year, I will strongly consider going.
     After all, throwing out the first ball went for only $2,080!!  Certainly that is a cheap price to pay for experiencing a life long dream!!
     Alas, not everyone in the household agrees.  Much like my plan to go to Cuba, and Switzerland for Christmas, and Berlin, and bike and barge down a river in France, someone thinks it is too expensive.
     Besides, my pitching arm is still not 100 percent, so I would probably bounce it off the mound when I threw.
     But I could have bid on the ultimate fan experience....two tickets in the private box of Theo Epstein and leading the crowd in the Seventh Inning Stretch!!  How can anyone say no to that?
     Well, ok, that one went for a little over $12,000....but it's for the kids!
     It might have been a fun event to meet new people, have some wine, spend the kids' inheritance, deplete that IRA, go through our retirement home account.
    Alas, (Note: second time I have used this today!  No applause, please.) I did not go.  It was not meant to be.
     I guess I'll just have to wait 'till next year.
     After all, I'm used to that.

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