Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Can you feel it?

I feel a change in the air

     No, not weather related.  No, not health or personal relationships.
     I feel a change in Chicago sports.
     Hold on, fans; this is going to be a great year.
     The Bulls are playing well.  They have the fire and drive and could be the team to beat for the NBA title.
     The Blackhawks are doing well.  Last year they just missed the finals, this year they will win it all.
Marty McFly be damned....the Cubs will start to play good ball around the first of May.  This will carry them to the wild card round and they will eventually meet the AL champs for the World Series.
     And those champs?  They will be the Chicago White Sox!!
     The two teams will battle it out, but in either case, Chicago is home to a world series winner.
     Which brings us to the last major and the Chicago  Bears.
     Yes friends, I see the Bears making a worst to first move, mowing down the Packers and Lions and Seahawks on their way to a showdown with the New England Patriots, and the Bears will give them a spanking like we haven't seen since 1985!
     That will give Chicago the titles in every major sport in America!  Chicago will be title town, the center of the sports world, the envy of all the country.
     Huge corporations will relocate here to be associated with a winner.  Incomes will rise, taxes will bring in enough money to pay off the $100 billion in pension deficits.  We will have great roads, better parks, and super public transportation throughout the state.
     This is not a dream.  This is not caused by indulgence of alcohol.  This is clear brained, well reasoned thinking.
     Or, it could be I am getting the flu and my body hurts and I have a temp.
     Or, I just could be wacko.
     Time will tell.

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