Sunday, November 2, 2014

Hello muddah. Hello Faddah. Here I am at Camp Grenada

I seriously need a mental exam

    While you folks are all snug in your homes, awaiting a good night's sleep, I am going to be sleeping outside, in a tent, on the ground, with a bunch of guys who fart a lot.
     Yes, I am going camping.  Yes, it is going to be 26 tonight for a low, but hey, it's a guy weekend!
     I have packed:  extra socks, sweatshirts (2), stocking hat, gloves, long underwear, tent, poles, sleeping bag, sleeping pad, snuggle blanket, 6 pairs of underwear, (my philosophy of a traveler can never have enough underwear holds true even when camping) small grill, charcoal, two chairs, cup, water, paper plates, toilet paper, (another fear....the johns will be out) knife, paper towels, double stuffed Oreos, hot chocolate mix, spoons, knives........the list goes on.
     Funny thing about the chairs and most of the other stuff.  There are four of us going.  Or five, not really sure.  Either everybody brings two chairs or no one brings any.  Since I already have my two out, we will end up with 10 chairs tomorrow night.  Same with paper plates.  One person is supposed to bring them, but four of us will bring some in case the one person forgot.
     One year we got there and realized no one had brought matches.  No one. Now everyone does.
     We meet at The Rafters on 20 just west of Freeport.  We meet at 12.  Every time, we meet at 12.  I was 40 minutes late last year and I was still the first one there.
     We will get to park, find a spot, set up our tents, take a hike, realize it is getting dark really early, have supper, talk, laugh, visit, and at some point go to bed.
     Or a rough equivalent to bed.
     And since I have been blessed with a prostate that doesn't like to hold it for longer than six hours, I will be up in the middle of the night, and taking a hike to the washroom.  (I use this term loosely.   With few campers, and lots of trees, it is not always a long walk.  Oh don't look at me like that, where do you think the deer and coyote pee?)
     Then I get the giggles.
     I don't mean to, it just happens.
     I unzip my sleeping bag, unzip my snuggle sack, unzip the tent, unzip the rain fly, come back in, zip the rain fly, zip the tent, then I can never find the snuggle sack zipper or the sleeping bag zipper.  Sometimes I can't even find the sleeping bag.
     And I start to laugh.  Sometimes I am laughing so hard my body shakes and my sides hurt.
     I try to hold it in, but it sneaks out.  I know I am waking people up, but I really can't help it.
     After about five minutes I will calm down.
     And just as everyone has dozed back off, I will start up again.
     Hopefully Sunday morning dawns sunny so we can break camp down in the warmth of the sun on a mid 20s morning.
     But even if it doesn't, it will be a good weekend.

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