Thursday, November 27, 2014

dum do do dum, can't touch this

I think I might explode

    No, not from anger.  Not from gas.  Not from anything but too much food!
    Turkey, ham, sweet potato pie, dressing, pecan chocolate chip bourbon pie, appetizers, desserts....... holy cow, I think I popped a button!
     Every year I swear I am going to cut back, then the gravy boat appears and I'm eating like it's the last day on Earth.
     When Jackie and I were newly weds, my brother invited us up to Rockford for a dinner.  Might have been Thanksgiving, maybe not.  Anyway, I ate and ate and ate.....Carl commented I was eating a lot.  I said, "I am eating for three."  He looked and me and said, "Is Jackie pregnant?"  And I said, "No, three as in three days.  We're broke."
     We have bought  a roaster to cook the turkey, which frees up oven space.
     But it is strange.  We cooked the bird at 325 and after two and a half hours, the bird looked obscene!
     It's back legs had spread wide open, and I was waiting for her to say, "Come on big boy, get my stuffing."  (I actually mean the bird's was spilling out because the legs were spread so wide.  If you thought something else, shame on you!  It's a turkey!!)
     And the body seemed to shrink.  I swear, it was half the size from when it went in the roaster.
     This happened last year too.  I don't know if it is roasting too high and too fast, or whether we have incredible shrinking bird syndrome working in the house.
     The turkey was tasty, not dry, so I am not sure what is up.  Next year I think we will oven roast it the day before and just warm it up.
     My niece Cindy had an interesting Thanksgiving theme this year.  She had invited a bunch of people and they were to bring something they had never made or had before.  Cindy was making a casserole with apples, yams, and I think pears.  I hope she sends a report on how it tasted.
     In the spirit of accuracy, I have a couple of corrections.  When I wrote about Julia's birth, we had a 65 Chevy, not a 61.  John remembered that.  He remembers lots of details about past events.  I can't even remember this morning.  Jackie noted that the infamous pumpkin pie without sugar was served at my parents' house at a Christmas dinner.
     I do have a Thanksgiving tradition.  After everyone is gone, the house picked up, and Jackie asleep; in the quiet of the midnight hour, I munch on a turkey drumstick.
     I imagine that is not a good idea, but I'm doing it anyway.
     I just hope I don't break any windows when the last buttons pop.
     Hope your Thanksgiving was happy and your Friday not black, but a rainbow of color.

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