Friday, November 21, 2014

the answer, my friend is blowin' in the wind

If you ask a question, I will give an answer

     The problem is, it's not always the right answer.
     I was once stopped by a guy in front of the Walgreen's on Sycamore.  He asked me if I knew a fish shop on Peace Road.  I told him yes, it's just the other side of Farm n Fleet.  He said he had the address, but was confused because I wasn't pointing to Peace Road.  I said they moved recently.
I think I sent him to Culver's.  He was looking for the fish place on Peace Road across from Jewel.
     At BZ I have sent people the wrong way to the smoking areas, the wrong way to the bears, the wrong way to the restaurant.
     And friends, it isn't always me they are asking a question!  It could be a question I heard randomly walking down the street and I feel compelled to answer....incorrectly!!
     I don't do it on purpose.  I genuinely believe I know the answer.  Then I open my mouth.
I am the opposite of a know it all.....I am a don't know it all.  I guess I don't know what I don't know, but now I know that.
     There is something humbling in saying, "I don't know."  I don't know (get the irony?) if anyone wants to come across as not being helpful, but I know I sure don't.   So I answer.
     Can you tell me how to get to .....
     Yes.  Go down three blocks, turn right.
     And after they leave, I know it isn't correct but it is too late to stop them.
     I have given wrong lines to an actor in a play in an attempt to help them, but it really screws everybody up because they give the wrong lines that I didn't know in the first place!
     Ask me what the forecast is....I'll tell you.
     Ask me what the temp is, I'll tell you.
     But it won't be right.
     I am not lying, really.  I am trying to be helpful.
     One time when I was subbing I was talking about how important math was and that sometimes you have to do it in your head.  A child asked me if I could do 475 x 89 in my head and I game him an answer of 32, 645.  They were pretty impressed until some smarty pants in the back got out their calculator and said I was way off!
     OK, that time I lied.
     But generally if you are asking me for directions or other information, I will give an answer that I truly believe is correct, accurate and genuine.
     But it's very often wrong.
     So beware.

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