Saturday, November 8, 2014

I hear those sleigh bells jingling....

I am almost ready for winter

     The wood is in and cut and stacked.  All the holes in the fences have been fixed so the animals won't wander off.  I tied a rope from the house to the barn so I can still get out there to do the milking during the blizzards that whip across the plains.
     Oh.....wait a minute!  That was Little House on the Prairie!!
     I have a gas fireplace.  No logs.  No wood.  Not as much fun as a wood burning stove.  The stove had multi purposes.  You could cook on it, boil water, use it for heat when the power was out, dry wet mittens and gloves on it, warm up your buns, and get plenty of exercise when splitting wood, chopping wood, stacking wood.  I miss it, a little.
     I like being able to flip a switch and have the glow of a fire.  And when we want to go out suddenly, all we have  to do is turn it off.  It is a convenience.  and it produces heat.
     The family room stays warm, but because it hits the thermostat, the rest of the house stays cool.  Julia hates it because she freezes when she gets home.
     Last year she took a picture of the was something like 58 degrees in her room.  Perhaps a little too chilly.
     I did haul in a bunch of lawn chainsaw carved mushroom, some ceramic noisemakers, cushions, pads, chairs, the chaise.  Actually, all our patio stuff looks brand it has never been used.
     Come to think of it, it hasn't been used.  Still no patio.  More frustrated daily.
     As a wise man once said.....never pay in advance.
     I have not heard a forecast today.  Maybe it's changed.  Maybe we won't get a couple of inches of snow next week.
     But we will someday.
     And when it happens, I won't be ready at all.

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