Tuesday, November 25, 2014

If I ruled the world, everyday would be the first day of spring

I am not feeling very funny tonight

     It just seems the world is hurting.
     The events in Missouri, the tragic death of a young man, the confrontation between police and protesters, the frustration and hate that has surfaced.
      I have read news stories of the shooting.  I have read stories about the refusal of the grand jury to indict.  And I am confused.
     I don't think any person wants to cause the death of another.  I don't think that is in us.  I can't imagine being put in a position where I have to make a split second decision on whether a person is dangerous or not and whether to fire a weapon or not.  You can't convince me that that officer shot because he wanted to.
     And I understand a population that has seen young people being jailed and killed by a system that is not seen as fair, would at some point erupt.
     What I don't understand is how we got here.
      All people should be treated equally.  Yet, we know they are not.   As a people, as a nation, we need to make it a priority to change that.
     I just wish I knew how that can be done.  And how I can help.
     Because it's not just a black problem, or a Missouri problem  It's our problem.


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