Saturday, November 29, 2014

oh Christmas tree, oh Christmas tree.....

I love putting up a live tree

     The thrill of the tree hunt, the effort of cutting it down, the correct positioning of the tree and the lights.... I just love it.  Usually.
     I admit, this year was a little different.  My right arm is a little sore.  I know I should just shut up, but I can't use it for a lot of things....especially cutting down a tree.  (I discovered that when I actually cut down a small dead tree and spent the next two days in hell pain wise.)
     Another change is the size of the group outing.  It used to be four or more, then it became three, then two, for the past several years it was three, but today it was just two...John and me.  Emily has a cold, and Jackie can't walk in a tree field, so I was grateful John came.
     We went to the Prairie Preservation Society of Ogle County cut your own lot on Daysville Road.  One of the people working in the field was a former professor of mine while in the Outdoor Education program at Taft.  A theater friend and mother of three former students was cashier.  I realized how much I had in common with these people:  political views, environmental views, the whole concept of a liberal in a conservative county, and asked myself why I haven't been involved in the PPSOC for the past thirty years or so.  Now I have a membership form and will be getting re-involved with them.
     But I digress.
     We found a very nice tree, John cut it down, loaded it in the car and we brought the baby home.
     Yes, dear, we did see the bare spot, but we figured we would put that toward the back, by the window.
     No, dear, I did not realize how big the bare spot was.  Yes, dear, it is huge.
     No, dear, I did not see the other bare spot.
     No, dear, I don't want an artificial tree.
     Anyway, it's up.  Lit.  Decorated.  It looks a little strange.  If you sit on one side, you won't see any ornaments or lights because there are no branches.
     And I did have an accident.  No, not the pee on the floor kind.  I dropped a special ornament.  It shattered.  It was a present last year and it had never actually hung on the tree.  Hand painted ceramic from Italy.  I must not have got it on the branch firmly enough, because it fell to the floor and just shattered.
     That's the bummer part of the day.
     Here are a few pictures.

Looks darn good, doesn't it!

Ok, there is a bare spot or two

I know it's blurry, but I like it.

The sky was on fire tonight.

Almost done...

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