Wednesday, November 19, 2014

School days, school days, good old golden rule days,

My 50th high school reunion is next year

     I want to go, but I don't want to go.  Those people will be pretty old.  Many of them will have gray hair, or thinning hair, or no hair.  Pot bellies.  All they will talk about is their surgeries and aches and pains.
     Do I really want to pay a lot of money to endure that?
     I actually got an e mail from the reunion committee, asking me for my e mail so they could maintain contact.  I thought I would e mail them back and tell them they had the wrong e mail for me.  I don't know if it was funny.
     There are a lot of people I want to see from high school.  Connie, the Greek, who kept me in trouble in several classes.  Rick and Ken, guys I used to play baseball and football with in the sandlots of the north side.  Suzanne, my adopted sister.  She cooked my supper a couple of times when I had to work nights at the National Tea store.  She was extremely bright, which was why we never dated.  Chris, who I was a locker buddy with freshman year and who was a wild guy, and pretty funny.  We actually went on a double date...with girls!
     Some people I see often, like John and his brother Frank.  I don't need to go to a reunion to have fun with them.  FB buddy Georgette may be there, and I haven't seen her since the 40th reunion and she is fun to talk with.
     Others have already left us, and it was far too soon.
     At maybe the 35th or 40th reunion, I heard a wild laugh from the next table.  I knew it was Boom Boom.  I turned toward her and yelled, "Boom Boom!"  She was shocked, because no one had called her that since high school.  Funny thing was, she knew exactly where Rochelle was because her second husband came from Franklin Grove.  I think she had a couple more after that one.
I did not go to all the reunions, in fact, I don't remember which ones I did attend.  I think I have been to three, maybe four.  Jackie went to the first one with me and we watched as my prom date's husband staggered into the women's bathroom because he was too drunk to tell the difference.  She didn't want to go to any more after that.  And I understand.  I don't think she has gone to any of hers either.
     Another time one of the  A-listers stopped at our table and looked at us.  "I know you, I know you, I know you, I don't know you, don't know you..." and walked on, no hello, no how are you.  He was kind of a jerk in high school, and he went to NIU so I ran into him a couple of times there.  He is one of the people I really don't care to see again.
     But it is the 50th reunion.  Chris, Ken, Rick, Connie, Suzanne did not come to any of the ones I went to.  Maybe this one will be the charm and I'll get to reconnect with people I liked in high school.
     Notice, there were not many names.
     And now that I am thinking about it, I'm leaning toward going.
     After all, how bad could it be?

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