Thursday, November 6, 2014

anticipation is making me wait a minute!!

I get disappointed easily

     I set myself up for it, I really do.
     I really think the Cubs will win every game I watch or go to....and then they don't.
     I really think the Bears have a chance to beat the Packers......although it is a chance right below slim and above none.
     Jackie has pointed out, multiple times, that I am never content.
     When the Dickow clan went to Tuscany and peed on walls and on grape vines, the powers that be were watching.  (Clan that peed on walls and in a vineyard would have been me.  Incidentally, no one knew that's what I was doing because I took pictures, holding the camera in my left hand while freeing my right hand for other duties.)
     I bought two bottles of brunello wine in Montalcino.  Brunello is an all star among wines, a prime rib among meats, the creme dela creme of wine.
     OK, maybe I over did it.
     Point is, I bought two bottles for about (Jackie, skip this paragraph) around 100 USD.  I got a really neat wooden box to put them in, that was free.
     Now, I am not about to drink an expensive (for me) bottle of wine by myself.
     And folks, I generally spend less than $20 on a bottle.  One time I did buy some Mogan David 20/20, aka Mad Dog, and it was less than $5.  Chicago John and I drank it when we lived on Southview Drive.  It is potent stuff.  By the time we were done, someone could not find the floor to put down their glass.  It was entertaining.
     The next morning, I swear I had a cat in my mouth.  My tongue was fuzzy....I think I had to shave it at some point.   And my tongue was huge.  My breath smelled like an unventilated outhouse and I don't think I could focus both eyes until well in the afternoon.
     So I had great anticipation for my first bottle of brunello from Montalcino.
     I invited Dan and Linda over to talk about our most favorite country on Earth to visit, (hint:  it's France) and our recent vacations.
     I put out some cheese, sausage, crackers and opened a bottle of brunello di Montalcino.
     I got a decanter and poured the wine into a decanter, approximately 40 minutes before serving so it could breath and adjust to room temperature.
     I got out the red wine glasses, the ones with the really big bottoms that everyone in the fancy parties in the movies swirl to get the wine to breath even more.
     I poured and inhaled the soils and sun of Tuscany, sensing the care and tenderness invested in producing this product.
     And OK, I did imagine Lucy stomping grapes while Rickie was off meeting with a film director, but who doesn't think that when they drink Italian wine.
    We toasted, saluted, chinged,  and sipped.
     Not wow, not great, not super, but ..... eh.
     It tasted a little off.
     Dan and Linda said it was good, but it took me three glasses to decide it
     Now for the dilemma.  Do I wait for another special occasion to open the second bottle and hope it meets my dreams and expectations?  It's not a wine I want to drink by myself, if it is what it's supposed to be anyway.
     Maybe Julia has an answer....I think she bought a bottle or two also.
    But that's another story.

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