Wednesday, November 5, 2014

doctor, doctor, gimme the news.....

I think I need to change my lifestyle

     Let me clarify that.  A certain person who  has a medical degree thinks I need to change my lifestyle.
     The good news about my tri-annual trip to the doctor was that I lost 8 pounds in the past year.
     Now I don't know how that happened.  I do know that half a pack of double stuffed Oreos seems to have vanished in the past three days and Jackie only had two.  And she did not have any of the mind filled ones.  Both were briefly left over from camp out.
     What concerns me is the blood pressure.  It was up a little.  I have to take a daily reading in the morning and change my dietary habits.
     I guess I should not put salt on everything I eat.  It is almost second nature.  Get a burger, salt it.  Piece of steak, salt it.  Potatoes, salt them.  French fries, heavily salt them.  And have you had a sea salt caramel mocha yet?  Or a salted caramel chocolate bar?  Evidently I have had too many of all of the above.
     And speaking of potatoes, french fries and pasta in general, I seem to have creeping cholesterol number that I have to do a better job of regulating.  This said when Egg Nog season is upon us.
     It's not unusual for me to go through several cartons of Egg Nog over the holidays....OK, during some weeks of the holidays.  And I capitalize Egg Nog because it deserves a place of respect in life due to its creamy texture, lush aroma and delightful taste.
     And no, diabetes does not run in my family and I can't explain why my sugar count is up.  Chocolate?  Cookies?  Flavored coffees?  All of the above??
     I did mention that somehow I missed a couple of weeks of my BP meds when I was in Europe.  I prepackage all the meds, then fill my pill container.  At the end of the three weeks, I had a two week supply of a BP medication left.  I guess I missed the container in my pile of legal drugs.
     So it's simple.
     If I want to make it to 80, or 70, or 67.....I better change the way I do things.
     I actually kept a straight face when I wrote that.
     If you are under the age of 60 and reading this, please don't do what I do.
     Instead, take care of yourself.  Exercise.  Eat better.  Eat less.  Cut down on the salt.  Cut down on the sugar.  Stop eating junk food, cut down on chips.  Eat smarter.
     Now, if you'll excuse me, I hear an Oreo calling.

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