Friday, November 14, 2014

Hurts so bad, it makes me hurt so bad.....

I get so frustrated, it hurts

     This getting old stuff is very tiring.
     I tend to get confused with dates and times to begin with, so throw that in with the aging process and you get an accident waiting to happen.
     Today, for instance.
      I had a physical therapy appointment.  I get up, dust the floors, do some chores, tell wifey that my appointment for pt is 12 noon.
     Now to be sure I don't miss an appointment, I write them down on the house calendar.  (Which is a Rotary Cash Giveaway calendar...great for winning money and writing down important events.  It can even be used to track the days of the week!  I have some for sale...only $20.  Let me know.)  I also write them down in my appointment book.  This week, because of multiple activities on multiple days, I have also written all my appointments and must do items in a small notebook, under the day.    So today, Friday, I wrote down all my appointments.
     When I got a call from a museum staffer asking if I could help at a program, I said it all depended on what time because I had pt Friday.
     At 12 noon.  Which means I need to finish up, clean up and get going.  As I am walking to my bedroom I glance at the house calender.
     Very clearly it is marked:  PT  10:30.  It is now 11:15.
     I looked at the hospital issued schedule.  10:30.  I looked at my appointment book.  10:30.  I look at the list of daily activities.  10:30.
    There was only one place it was 12 noon, and that was in my mind.
    And when I met the museum people, they were glad the program was in the afternoon because I could go since my pt appointment was.....10:30, cause that's what I told them!
     I wrote it down 4 times and still got it wrong!  Holy smokin' firewood!  How many times do I have to write it down?
     I know now that after I write it down everywhere, I have to check in the morning.  I didn't do that.
     Lesson learned.  Again.
     All this was after I broke the candle holder from Volterra I got for Jackie last year in Tuscany.
     Not exactly a good start to the day, but it ended great with a wonderful dinner and time spent among friends.
      Now if I could be like Frozen, and let it go, I'd be much happier.

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