Thursday, November 13, 2014

Don't worry, be happy

I thought I was dying today

     I know three people who have had strokes recently.  For someone who can not watch medical shows because he catches all the diseases shown on the shows, knowing someone who had a stroke is a seed planted in the the imaginarium.  (That's like an aquarium, but only for thoughts and strange ideas.)
     Today I had left over meatloaf, a piece of cheddar cheese, chips and a diet pop for lunch.  (I know...don't give me any crap about having a diet pop AND chips.)  I have had all of these foods before. Nothing new.
     I was sitting at the table and I started tingling.  And I was flushed.  Hot.  Tingling.  Like a thousand ants crawling over me and biting me.  Or uncles.
     This went on for about 10 minutes.  I got a headache.  I felt dizzy.
     So I went to get our home monitoring blood pressure cup.
     Put it on....deader than a doornail.
     Found two new batteries, put it on turned it on.....and it pumped up, took a reading, and gave an error notice.
     So I did it again.  It read 224 over 139.  I thought that was high.  My body started to burn up.
I took another reading.  236 over 142.
     I said, "Jack, you need to take me to the doctor.  My BP is really up.  I don't feel well."
     She said, "Why not go to Walmart and have it read in the store?"
     "The doctor is right there....I think I need to go to the doctor," I said with a little urgency and maybe a trace of panic.
     She came over and said, "Let me take mine.  Maybe it's not working right."
     Hers was 130 over something.
     I put it on again, turned it on.....232 over 168.
     I started to sweat.  This was not good.
     "It's going up....we need to go."
     She comes over and looks at me and says, "You have it on backwards.  It goes over your wrist, not the back of your hand."
     I put it on my wrist, turned it on......132 over 70.
     Took it three more times, was pretty consistent.  She finally took it away from me before I broke it.
     I was still itching and stingy.  My chest itched like crazy.  My legs were stinging and hot.
     And suddenly, it all went away.  Poof.  Gone.
     Maybe I am going through menopause.  I was so hot, then cold, then hot and tingly.
     One thing I can tell you for sure, I don't use as much salt as I used to.

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