Sunday, November 2, 2014

Baby, it's cold outside

I now understand Frozen

     It was cold Saturday night.
     What, you didn't notice because you were in a house with heating and a soft bed?
     And I, being the fearless I-still-think-I -am-30 guy was sleeping out in a tent.
     I tried to dress for it.  Had on long underwear.  After we got to the park, we took a hike and I worked up a sweat.  But back at the camp site, things cooled rather quickly.  So I put on a sweatshirt.      Then I put on my second sweatshirt.  As the evening progressed, I put on my coat.  And my hat.  And my gloves.
     I didn't want to put my winter coat on, because it is down filled and a pain to wash.  Getting it all filled with a smoke smell was a last resort.
     We cooked supper, burgers and Italian sausage and chips, and ate some Oreos....double stuffed, mint, and peanut butter...had some hot chocolate ( I added a stream of buttershots, a schnapps type liquor) and before I knew it, it was almost 11.
     The fire had burned down (or burned up?  Both seem to mean the same thing:  The house burned down.  The house burned up)  to red embers, and everyone snuggled into their sleeping bags.
I had my fluffy Binky which zips up, and got into that, then into the sleeping bag.
     But I could not get comfortable.  Can't lay on the right arm, laying on the left arm was uncomfortable.
     I don't remember sleeping, but I did.
    And yes, I did have to get up at about 3....or 4.....and step outside.  The moon was gone at that point, and the sky was full of stars.....absolutely full.  It's hard to remember what the sky looks like, we have so much light pollution.  It was incredible.  Emphasis on that.
    And I did not do my crazy giggle...although my teeth were chattering.
    Problem was, from that point on, I was cold.  Very cold.  My feet, my head, my legs.  And to top it off, I had to stay in the cold an extra hour due to the time change.
     Yes, we laughed when John brought out an old bedroom lamp.  But since we were at a site with electricity (tent sites are closed for winter) we plugged that baby in along with a CD player. (The thought of a plug in heater ran through out minds...maybe next year the tent will be warmer.)
    Yes, I was late getting to the Rafters, but we all arrived within 5 or 10 minutes.
    All in all, it was a good time.
    Here are some pictures.

Why a lamp?  Notice the power box in the background

Somebody needs to rake

The ravine looks like it has man made walls

Let there be light by which to to cook and pour

All you really need is a good fire, and good friends.

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