Friday, October 31, 2014

I want Candy!

I eat when I get bored or frustrated

     Halloween this year is not good.
     I bought Julia a huge bag of Nestle candy....Baby Ruth, Crunch, get the idea.
     I thought I packed it when we went to visit her, but I didn't.  (It turns out my accusation that the candy had been stolen by security people was  uncalled for.)
     So we used it for Halloween.
     This is a two pound bag.  We had six (6)  kids. Six!!
     Here's were my math skills suck.  Last year we had none, but this year we had six.  So that is an increase of what percentage?  I thought "just use the  fact that we had six this year and that becomes a 600 percent increase."  (I thought the quotation marks would give clearer meaning to my thinking this.)
     But how can it?  What is a 100 percent increase over 0?  Don't you multiply to get the answer?  And if you have 0, then whatever you multiply will be 0 because of the zero power of multiplication.
     (I lost a bet with Mr. Torres, my eighth grade teacher.  He was a White Sox fan.  I am a Cub fan.  He bet me that if you took the number of runs the Sox scored game by game and added them, it would be more than the number of runs the Cubs scored game by game if multiplied.  I was so eager to beat the Sox at something, I said it was a bet.  He asked me if the Cubs had been shut out yet, and I realized my mistake.  Lesson learned.)
     The 6 may be inflated....two were special visitors and they got special candy.  Plus some from the bowl.
     Anyway, I have candy left.  And I am bored.  When I get bored, I nibble.  When I nibble, I get upset with myself for my lack of self control.  When I get upset, I nibble.
     It is a viscous circle.  By the time Sunday night rolls around, I will have gained six pounds and the bowl will be empty.
     And I am also a little frustrated....but I'll save that story.  Let's just say Jackie and I may control the future of television as you know it.

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