Thursday, November 20, 2014

Midnight special, shine your ever loving light on me

I started hanging Christmas lights today

     Yes, it was cold.  Very cold.  Yes, I know I could have done this when it was warmer, but for some unknown reason, I decided to wait until just before Thanksgiving.
     Yes, I understand it got abnormally cold early this year, but the weather gods did not check with me on when I was hanging lights.
     I got two strands up.
     I don't know if they work, but they are up.
     I promised Jackie I would finish Saturday.  Hopefully the rain will not come till afternoon and I will find some young kid eager to make a few bucks to come in the morning and move my dirt. Otherwise, I will wait until after Thanksgiving, for the dirt.  Lights are going up Saturday, rain, shine or wind chills of -60.
     I don't have a lot to hang, but enough to not want to do it when it is 9 degrees outside.
     And yes, I should have moved the dirt, washed the windows, waxed the cars, brought in the hose reels and mowed the yard one last time, but normally I would have until Thanksgiving to do that.
     But my shoulder hurt too much to do most of that.  It still hurts, but not as badly.
     I came out of my bike accident better than Bono.  He crashed his bike in Central Park and had an arm so badly broken they put plates and screws in it.  I think he had a broken bone in his face too,  or U 2.
     I still have to put window covers on the basement windows.  Last year they filled with snow and I actually got into them and shoveled them out.  I had a hard time getting out.  I thought I would stay out there forever.  Coyote chow.  My yelling would not have brought any help because I am always yelling about something.
     Thus, (I love that word!)  I will be braving the elements to put up lights, and maybe move dirt.
      The dirt is probably frozen, so it will not be easy to move.  I will need a jack hammer and some explosives, but I will get it moved.
       And I think I will go to town Saturday afternoon and relax with a cup at Cypress House.  After the lights are up.  The dirt will just have to wait for Mother Nature to give one more window of opportunity for me to miss.

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