Thursday, June 30, 2016

just another day....

My days don't get slower

     It seem i am always running behind.
     But I did get the recycling out today....three garbage cans full of beer bottles, two boxes of paper, and a tub of a lot of stuff.
     I am a recycling nut.
     I have bags to go to Walmart, things to go to the zoo, bags to use for dog poo (hey, that rhymes with zoo!) and who knows what else.
     But at least my garage is a little emptier.
     Maybe by the end of summer I can actually walk around in the one side.
     But then again, I said that last fall too.
     Sweet dreams....don't let the bed bugs bite.

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

learning new things....

I learned a lot today!

     I learned our darling Corki likes to dig holes.  I discovered that when I could not find her outside this morning.  I looked in Emily's day lily bed and saw Corki's back end!  The rest of her was in a hole.  I had to drag her out and she still wanted to go back.
     She was covered with mud.  So I stuck her in the shower and hosed both of us down.
     After serving lunches in the park to local youngsters, I went to Byron with Jackie for PT.  I threw my bike in the back of the car and when we got to Byron, she went to therapy and I went for a ride.
     I learned not to wear jeans on a very hot day.
     I also learned that the path toe the Jarret Center in Byron is not flat.
     And finally, I learned the bike path is not well marked there.  I thought I could turn off and head through the golf course, but I don't think that was the bike path.  Yet there were two ways to enter it from the path I was on.
     I did ride the path along river Road.  I learned that one was also hilly and at 3 p.m. with the sun beating down and me in jeans, it was not a fun effort.
     So I went back to the car, taking a ride through downtown Byron.
     I learned there is a Swedish Pancake House!  I love Swedish pancakes!!
     When we got back home, I had a glass of ice tea and then we went to pick peas.  As we were picking, we noticed little Corki had disappeared.
     Where did she go?
     Back to the same damn hole, digging out what I had put back in.
     She was covered with mud.  So I carried her in and hosed her down again.
     She must smell a vole or something.....she was also "digging" on the steps of the patio.
the final lesson came when Emily called to borrow our mower because hers has a flat.
     I drove mine over to her house and parked it in the garage.
     She called about 10 minutes later and told me something else I did not know:   I also have a flat tire!
     Now there are two mowers at her house, both with flats.
     DeKalb Lawn is going to love us!
     Truthfully, I am tired of learning.  It is too much work.  So, I am going to quit learning anything new today.

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

ocd rears its head again

Sometimes I am a little obsessive

     The dishwasher has to be loaded a certain way.
     I double check all the doors each night.
     I open the door to the garage to make sure the doors are all down.
     I drive into town at 9:30 to buy lottery tickets for a game I know I will someday win.
     At 9:20 I realized I had not bought tickets for the $390 million drawing tonight.
     I have certain numbers that I play when the jackpot gets over $100 million......and I knew that if I did not play them, those numbers would win tonight.
     So I drove all the way into town, bought my tickets, and then went home.
     I am not rich.  I did not win. But I know if I hadn't bought the ticket, there would have been a what if that haunted me for the rest of my life.
     Now I can sleep soundly.
     After I check the doors and make sure the garage doors are all down.

Monday, June 27, 2016


I need to start cleaning the house

     Things have gotten a little out of hand since last weekend.  Now it is time to put stuff in its place.
     Of course, I am not very good at that.
     I put stuff away, just not in the right spot.  Then when I want it again, I have to hunt for hours to find it.
     So tomorrow I'll start.  Or Wednesday.  Or Thursday.
     But it will get done.
     I do have to mow and weed.  And fertilize the flowers.  And ...... well, you get the idea I can be a very busy person.
     It will all eventually get done.
     Just not today.

Sunday, June 26, 2016

going south, baby!

I went to a White Sox game today

     John is a Toronto Blue Jays fan, so he got some tickets for the Jays-Sox game.
     Row 1.  Section 119.  Right behind the tarp.
     I brought my Nellie Fox second baseman's glove, last worn by me in about 1967, to catch a foul ball or two.
     The only foul that came our way bounced almost on my seat.  Unfortunately, I was off buying cotton candy so the man across the aisle got the souvenier.  Some day I will catch one.
     One of the things I like to explore at ball parks is the food option.  Cellular One has plenty, and at a cheaper price than Wrigley.  Beer is cheaper too.  And it is the first park I have been to where a margarita man wanders the stands, offering his wares to a thirsty crowd.  He had what looked like a backpack you spray chemicals with....and no, I did not sample.
    The park was far from full, despite the best pitcher in the American League going for the Sox.  He pitched a great game.
     I don't understand sometimes.  Great park, great parking, good food, good team....and fans don't support it.
     Hopefully I will get to a couple more games this year.
     Here are some pictures to whet your appetite for baseball.

You would not have seen this 10 years ago!

I made a great play during tryouts!

Don't eat a juicy cuban sandwich with a light shirt on!  First inning, by the way.

Toronto fans........ of my favorite old Sox players

Here's what happens when you want to take a picture but you lose focus.

This boy was very interested in Pierce's form.

Our seats were right behind the tarp.....maybe behind Line

Pierogi?  Really??

You never knew I was a lefty, did you?

Saturday, June 25, 2016

home again, home again

I did ride 15 miles today

     I was a little hot.  I was a little winded.  The southerly breeze nearly did me in during the last four did not look strong, but it did affect me.
     My team mate Stacy rode 35 miles.....and a big congratulations to her.   Maybe next year I can do the 35 mile ride....hopefully.  I say that every year.
     The thing about the MS ride is you don't have to be a great cyclist.  There were people there older than me, heavier than me, yet they were riding because a friend, relative, neighbor or co-worker has MS.
     Some people finished the ride quickly.  Some took a long time.
     It's not a race, it's a statement.
     I was sitting at the rest area at Brooks' Elementary listening to other riders.  One woman was living and working in Chicago, but was from  Pennsylvania and does several rides.  She was telling a fellow rider that there is a 150 mile ride coming up she was planning on doing.  She said she and her friends have traveled across the states doing MS rides.
     The rest area was 7 miles or so into my ride.  I actually was sitting there thinking, "I could do 35 today.  I feel strong."
     Then I got back on my bike and realized the folly of that thinking.
     150 miles?  Maybe in a month.  Or two.  But not in a day.  Or weekend.
     There was a large crowd at the Convo Center in DeKalb.....lots of teams have tents.
     So, some random pictures of the day.
     And think about this:  Next year's tour is June 10 and 11.  Plenty of time to get in gear and ride with Jackies Jokers!
     When I got home I showered and then took a little rest on the porch.....a lie down, if you will.  I was pretty beat.
    And it is not too late to donate, just visit the Bike MS Tour de Farms website and search for Jackies Jokers......spelled incorrectly, I know.  But it is different!
     I'm also thinking....Biking with Beanzie in July in DeKalb.  Anyone want to join me?

Jackies Jokers ready to ride

This guy lost weight!

You have to love the sign

And the they are Cub fans!

It's a party atmosphere

Some riders camp on the north campus of NIU

My and my really cool t shirt and medal......35 years!  This was my third!

Friday, June 24, 2016

ride, ride ride....let it ride

I am raising money for MS research tomorrow

    It's the Bike MS Tour de Farms, and it begins at the Convo Center in DeKalb.
    Riders have various lengths, and I am opting for the 15 mile ride.  In my dreams I think I can do 35, but in my legs I think 15 is plenty.
    The Jackies Jokers team has raised over $1,000..... which I think is darn good.  There are two members, myself and Rev. Stacy, our priest at church.  She is riding 35 miles because she is much younger and in better cycling shape.
    My guess is the  roads near DeKalb will be pretty crowded, especially in the morning.  Most routs go down 38 to Huber Parkway, then out into the country.
    Last year 1,800 riders took part in the event and over $1.5 million was raised.
    Pretty impressive.
    Anyway, here is a link:

    That should take you to the Jackies Jokers page, where you can make a donation.
    Now, I have to get to bed because I need to get up early tomorrow for a little ride.

Thursday, June 23, 2016

oh nooooooo!

I took out the trash today

     We had a lot of leftovers, unfortunately, and today was the last day we felt comfortable eating macaroni salad and potato salad.
     So out it went.
     It's tangy.  I like it tangy.....  did not apply, TC.
     In hindsight, I should have arranged for a special trash pickup on Monday.
     The garbage was stacked up in my red garden cart.  I figured I could just haul it out to the curb in the cart.  And four cans.  And six extra bags.
     There was  a lot of trash.
     It was hot this week.  Imagine 12 bags of trash in a garage in the heat.
     Imagine the flies.
    So I wasn't surprised when I saw the first bunch of maggots, in the bottom of the bar tenders' bottle bag.
     (Yes, I went through the two bar bags, pulling out recyclables and leaving the trash in the bottom.  Yes, a saw a meatball walking..........yuch......)
     And then I moved the other bags and the maggots just seemed to multiply.  Tens.  Hundreds.  Thousands.  A billion.  Ok, I exaggerate.
     A lot.
     They were in the cracks between the sections in the garage.  I got the hose and washed them out.
     Then I swept them into the driveway and washed them down with the hose.
     I noticed more in the garage, and washed out the crack again....and more came out.
     I swept them out and hosed out the garage.
     That's when they mounted a counter attack.
     Hundreds of maggots were inch walking their way back to the garage!  They were making a bee line for me.
     So I sprayed again, swept again, and lo and behold, they charged (ok, charging may be a bit strong) at me again.
     So I used the broom and  hose and then did a dance on them in the driveway, hopping up and down and scraping my toes across them.  My shoes became a killing machine.
    It was a nightmare.
    And I probably will have nightmares tonight....I HATE MAGGOTS!!
    And the cart, I am sure, will be full of it won't be coming back in the garage anytime soon.
     Then I went to throw out the rest of the mostaccioli,  I  texted Em first.
     Thanks to auto correct, I said "I am tossing the mists holly."
     She said "mists holly?"
     I replied, "sorry, spell check changed should be most holly."
     I followed that up with "the spaghetti like stuff."
     Damn spell check.

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

hair today, gone tomorrow

Put Julia on a big plane tonight

     Still not sure when she site says she left at 7:10, and another site said she was delayed 87, I don't know.
    I did not get lost at the airport, which is a first.
    I did not cry, which is also a first.
    On the way home I stopped for a coffee on the oasis on 294 and ran into a fellow Rochelleite....Rochellian?...... who was on his way to the airport to pick up his wife.  Small world.
     Two pretzels and a couple of beverages later, wifey and I were back on the road, heading to a much to empty house.
    Even Corki senses someone is missing.
    As we drove on 88, I mentioned that the sky to the south was pretty ugly.  So it was no surprise when the weather radio went off with tornado warnings for Amboy, Paw Paw, Earlville.....the sky looked mean.
     I had a funny thing happen this morning.
     Every day lately when I comb my hair, I have a wild hair that just doesn't go down.
     Today I took a closer look and was on my ear!
     Seriously!  This little sucker was at least 2 inches long, growing on the tip of my ear.
     Gross, yes; but at least I have some hair growing.

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

winding down

The busiest three weeks of my life are almost over

      Tomorrow we take Julia to the airport.  I hope the storms are out of the area by 7 p.m.  I am a nervous Nelly when it comes to flying in the first place.
     Of course, my post tomorrow will be short.  It always is when she leaves.
     It was great having her home for the wedding and the party.  It's one of the first times she has come home healthy.
     Of course, she didn't really have a lot of time to herself.  We got home late Monday, from Vegas and Tuesday and Wednesday were days of catching up on laundry, sleep, and doing a little work.  Telecommuting, or working from home......never possible when I was young.
     And Friday, Saturday,  and Sunday were filled with party her time was pretty limited.
     I really didn't spend as much time as I thought I would with her, but she is probably ok with that.
     Saturday is the MS Tour de Farms.  If you would still like to support  me, visit my page at  and make a donation.  The Jackies Jokers team has nearly raised $1,000.....which I think is pretty darn good.
     Sunday I am going to my first White Sox game in 10 years......seats are right behind the visitor's dugout because son in law John is a Toronto fan.
     Throw in a day at the zoo, and by next Monday I will be ready to climb on the mower and do the yard just for a chance to sit and rest.
     First priority...getting through tomorrow.
     It's always a long drive home from O'Hare.

Monday, June 20, 2016

deja vu, all over again

I temporarily lost my debit card today

     I went to Walmart to buy freezer bags to package up the left over hamburger and brat buns.
     Emily and John have a food saver thingy, and John said it is easier to seal frozen buns.
     I have often had frozen buns, but I have never had them sealed.
     Anyway, I bought  three boxes of freezer bags and took out my debit card to pay.
     Ran it into the chip reader, bagged my stuff, took out the card, dropped the bag, left my sunglasses and keys on the counter, picked up everything and grabbed the receipt.
     I walked about 10 feet and realized I never put the card back in my wallet.  I went back to the register and it was not there.  Or on the floor.
     But it was in my mouth, where I put it after grabbing it because my hands were full.
     At least I remembered where the car was parked
     Now the buns are on ice, and I still have two boxes of freezer bags.  Guess I underestimated how many buns would fit in a bag.
     I seem to be doing a lot of dumb things lately...I think it's a sign of aging.
     We have two hanging plants on the porch.  A robin  built a nest in one of the plants.  I removed three nests, but did not realize she built a fourth.
     Friday I looked in the plant and found the nest....with three eggs.  Today there are four eggs.
     So now I have to choose....watering the plant and possibly endangering the eggs, or not watering the plant and letting it die so the robins may be hatched and survive.
     Plus, I can't sit in the rockers.
     Such is life.

Sunday, June 19, 2016

what a day

I enjoyed the reception a lot

   That is John and Emily's reception, held in our back yard Saturday.
    I did not realize how big our yard was until the tent went up and we still had room.
    I think the best part was seeing family.  My nephew and his clan came from Pennsylvania,  one niece and her family came from Columbus, Ohio; another came from Spring Grove.....and Jackie's family came....her brother and three of his kids, their kids, Jackie's sister.  What a group!  The biggest surprise was jackie's cousins coming, one was visiting Illinois from Florida and the other lives in the suburbs, but we have not seen them in a long time.
    And friends.....old and new....and , well, you get the idea.
    The weather was perfect, the food great, the day just wonderful.
    But I do have a long does potato salad last?  We seem to have a lot.  And macaroni salad.  And three bean.
    Lots of leftovers for quite a while.

Friday, June 17, 2016

holy cow......

Hosting a wedding reception is a lot of work

    Emily and John got married last weekend in Vegas, and the reception is in our back yard tomorrow.
    The tent is up, the yard looks nice, a parking areas is set up......the weather seems to be cooperating.
     I have to do a quick house cleaning tomorrow and one little job outside, and hopefully I will be done by the time the festivities start.
     Emily posted something on Facebook as Emily Whitaker...which is now her name.  I didn't know who she was.  Thought she might be a cousin of John's.   I will get used to it in time.
     So off to bed I go, tired and worried....because it is my nature to worry about almost everything.
     I'm sure tomorrow will go perfectly.
     And if not, I will be running for the border!

Thursday, June 16, 2016


This was a long day

     I finished mulching, still have some weeding to do.
     Tent is up and ready to go.
     We ended up with an impromptu bonfire.......just a bunch of people sitting around talking and watching the flames.
     It was nice....but before I knew it, it was midnight.
     Tomorrow....finish weeding!  I have said that for three days.......have to get serious!

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

and more pictures

I enjoyed Las Vegas....really!

Yes, it was hot.
Yes, I lost $10 at the roulette table.
Yes, there were a lot of people.
But it is an amazing place.  Next time I go back, I want to see a show and the neon graveyard, which was closed for a special event.  I wouldn't mind going back to the dam for a few more dam photos.

So, here is another batch of LV pictures.

New York, New York

Only two of the first casinos are left

Almost felt like I was back in Paris!

The backside of Excalibre

No I am not a Roman god

Inside Ceaser's


Made of flowers

The clam opened and shut....all of flowers

I can't spell his name....Chihuly?

Va va voom!!


Fremont Street 

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

I tend to procrastinate

I may be last, but I am good

     It seems most of the people who took pictures in Vegas over the weekend have posted them.
     Well, I have not.
     So for the next couple of nights, some Vegas pictures.

Two of my favorite girls.

The happy family

This is a view of Container Park.   All the buildings are shipping containers or railroad cars!

There is a cinder block wall painted black and a bucket of chalk

Stores are small specialty places, like pizza, or coffee, or games .... very neat!

At the entrance to the Container Park

Slots in the airport

Breakfast at the Hash was great

kissing the idea why

Someone lost a hat at Hoover Dam

500 feet under the ground.....

Some of the turbines

An amazing don't do it justice

Lake Meade....or what is left of it.  It is going down.

If you run the toes, you will come back

Just liked the store

I organized the bachelor night out...we went mini golfing at King Putt!

My favorite bride
Stopped by the Pawn Stars

Guess who was there?: