Saturday, February 7, 2015

From the heart, really

I went to my major social outing of the year

     Tonight was the annual From the Heart Fundraiser in Rochelle,  Sponsored by Rotary, the event raises money that helps support various charities in the area.
     The tickets are pricey, I suppose to keep the riff raff out....but I still got in.
     During the night you can bid on several silent auction items and play some games that offer neat prizes.  There is a live auction also, this year featuring  a signed Bart Star jersey, an autographed  picture of Gail Sayers and someone else taken at the end of the game in which The Kansas Comet scored six touchdowns, Black Hawks legend poster, and other items.
     Last year I bought an Ernie Banks autographed ball in a shadow box.  The year before I bought an,Ernie Banks autographed and framed picture.  There were no Ernie items this I sat on my hands.
     Only made a few social faux pas.....called three people by the wrong name.  but I did recognize three former students and correctly called them by their actual names!!  The fourth I am still a little fuzzy about.
     I know it  is early to think about next year, but consider attending.  It is a very worthwhile night.
     And Pat, we sat with a family that was very excited to win a Geo caching experience!  I told them to contact you and Mike because they are interested in learning how to do that.  If a guy named Steve calls, we sent him.

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