Wednesday, February 25, 2015

I may be a dwarf

Just call me Sneezy

     From time to time, I just start sneezing.
     I don't mean once or twice.  Or four times.  Or 10.
     I mean sneeze until my head is about to fall off; 15, 20 sneeze after another.
     So I am driving down Flagg Road tonight, in the snow, windows freezing, lanes difficult to see, blowing snow.
    And I start sneezing.  And sneezing.
    I had no where to stop, no where to turn off.  So I checked my mirrors and stopped in the middle of the road.
    Yes, I was in my lane.  But it was almost impossible to continue driving.
    Try keeping your eyes open when you sneeze!  It is impossible!!  You will blow out your eyes or brains if you do.  And that's the truth!
    I sneezed 17 times.  I sat in the road for 10 of those sneezes.  No one passed me in either direction, so I was lucky.
     One strong memory of have of my father is his sneezing fits.  He would sneeze for five or t0 minutes, and then be fine.
     It seems I have inherited that trait, along with the hoarding and general grumpiness traits that time to time show up.
     And by the way, strapped in a seat belt makes it very difficult to get a hankie out of one's back pocket....lucky for me I have some packs of menthol scented tissues that are really soft, strong and have an incredible odor.
     In a way, they are nothing to sneeze at...but I do!

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