Monday, February 2, 2015

timing is everything

I picked the winning numbers in last week's Powerball

     The problem is, I did not pick them for that game.  I picked them last July, August, September.......whenever the jackpot goes over $200 million.  And I did not pick them all in one game.  A number here, a number there.....but  I  did actually win $1.  The best is yet to come, and I will still treat people to White Castles when I hit the big one.
     Last weekend's snow was long overdue.  All winter I have been waiting to strap on the newly repaired snowshoes and go out into the woods.  Now that we have snow, I have a cold and can't imagine expending energy tromping through the woods.  I can barely keep my eyes open when I am watching TV, yet I don't fall asleep.
      But my timing is nothing compared to Pete Carroll of the Seahawks.  Seriously, I am an idiot and yet I would have given the ball to one of the hardest running backs in football, or at least rolled my QB out to the left and had him run it.  A pass??  Good grief.
     Life is like a good joke.  Timing matters.
     How many times have you missed something, or someone, because you were just a minute late.  You could have been late because you got behind a slow driver, or a tractor, or a school bus, or got caught by a train.  Just as you reach the destination, your moment has passed.  The timing was off.
     I wonder what my life would have been like if I was born in the 1930s, or 1920s.  I love British period pieces, Downton Abbey, Agatha Christie's Poirot, and sometimes I wish that would have been my era too.  Of course I have to get around that Depression, World War thing, but it does seem like a nice time.
     Like I said, timing is everything...... if my German grandmother had knocked on Mom and Dad's apartment door at the right time, I might not even be here!
     And if I don't go to bed soon, I might not get my normal five hours sleep.
     So, my time is up for tonight.

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