Friday, February 13, 2015

that was a waste

I did not win Powerball

     I bet you have figured that out.
     The odds are something like 1 in 4 million, or 40 million, whatever.  I spent $6 on tickets, but got zippo in return.
     Well, almost nothing.  I did get the chance to dream big!  I helped a lot of kids go to college, built a rec center, helped Brookfield and Lincoln Park zoos, put a massive security system around the house, and provided money to lots of relatives, known and unknown.
     But I didn't win.
     Now $6 is not a lot of money, but it is enough to buy a couple gallons of gas, or two Sunday Tribunes, or a specialty coffee, a Jimmy Johns', dinner at McDonald's.....a variety of food items, clothing, candy, and whatever.
     A nice Valentine's Day present for Jackie.
     OK, not for $6......maybe $7 or $8.
     One Valentine's I had a vestry meeting at church.  I had nothing for her.  I was teaching, life was hectic, and after the meeting I went to Jewel in DeKalb.  I was not the only man there.  We all had this frantic look on the face, like a deer in the headlights.  (Figuratively, or I would have said dear). I don't remember what I got her that year, but again, I don't remember breakfast.
     It's hard to buy something for her.  She doesn't use make up or perfume, doesn't wear a lot of jewelry, is picky about clothing, does not like chocolate very much......which leaves flowers.
     But I didn't get those either.
     It is not too late.  Walmart is open 24 hours...........and I bet I would not be the only man there.

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