Tuesday, February 17, 2015

holding my breath

I actually don't feel too sick

     That does not sound like a big thing, but for the last four weeks I have had:  congestion, intestinal troubles, inability to sleep, eat,  or leave the house;  tired, flat feet, dandruff, halitosis, migraine, toe fungus, cholera, and several bouts of short term amnesia.
     (Kevin, I apologize.  My fog was preventing me from recognizing you right away.  Kept thinking how you looked like Kevin....and you were.)
     But today, holding my breath, I feel better.  I am still more tired than I can ever recall, and I am freezing most of the time, but I feel better.
     One thing I dreaded about going to the "old people's" gatherings when I was young was their constant carping about their health.  NOW I get it!  Aches, pains, itches, scratches, strange smells.....all seem to increase when you age.  I am them.
     I bought one of those cheap Hostess cherry pies two weeks ago and finally had the energy to eat it tonight.
     Of course, it probably wasn't the best choice, but it felt so good going down.  I just hope it's age and best sold by date is not an indicator that later it will be coming back up.
     I have had more chicken noodle soup and crackers than I care to eat for the rest of the winter.  I have had so much Gatorade, Michael Jordan sent me a personal note of thanks.  I actually managed to watch 61 episodes of Poirot mysteries on Netflix....with the bulk of the episodes being 90 minutes.
I do have one more to watch in season 11, then am in a bind because Netflix only seems to have to season 11 and there were 15 seasons....no task this large should be left undone.
     I even missed one of my friend's major birthday party because I wasn't feeling well.  Ok, so I wasn't invited......but I would not have been able to go if I was.  Same thing.
     I would trade feeling better for being prone on a couch with a remote clutched in my cold, dry, scaly, chapped, irritated hands any day.  Maybe even tomorrow.
     Of course, by then it will be too freakin cold to do anything but lay under covers on a couch and watch tv.
      And dream of warmer weather.

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