Tuesday, February 10, 2015

a mystery of life

I feel better today

     Notice, I did not say I felt well.  I feel better.
     I seem to be very tired and highly uncoordinated.  I have slipped a couple of times, and I feel like I am in a fog.
     What happened?
     Wish I knew.
     I went to Emily's Sunday night.  at about 1 a.m., I experienced some abdominal discomfort.   I was like a menopausal woman...bloating, cramping, and highly irritable.
     I laid in bed, alternating between freezing and sweating.  I could not sleep.  But I could think.
     First off, I thought about winning the 400 million dollar lottery.  I set up a scholarship program, funded several foundations, built a YMCA with indoor pool and splash pad area, complete with senior citizens' wing, a coffee bar, indoor soccer fields......and provided free membership for the first three years. then I thought about the train tracks, the petroleum trains that roll through town, and the devastation when they derail.
     I actually visualized a flaming tank hurtling through the air and landing in her back yard!  A set of train wheels crashed through the living room and into the basement.
But I could not work out how to evacuate the 5 dogs, cat, guinea pigs and me in my Honda.  So mentally, Jackie had to come over and load the van.  But then we had a problem....where to keep everybody because we don't have a fence and I can't leash walk all those dogs.
     Then I thought about attending a World Series game in Chicago between the Cubs and Sox.
     And another flaming train car smashed into the house.
     I don't think I slept longer than five minutes during the night.
     Monday I went to the doctor.  They did a flu test...they take this long stick and poke it up your nose until it comes out of your eye sockets or ears.  They did a blood test.  They did other tests.
Official diagnosis?
     You call it.  Could be food poisoning.  Could be diverticulitis.  Could be C Diff.  Could be something else.
     All I know is I have lost 5 pounds....and am spending a second day prone on a bed, or couch.
     And I have not felt well since Jan. 23.  Time for spring.

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