Saturday, February 21, 2015

oops....I did it again

I really meant no harm

     I was supposed to clean the bathrooms today.  Jackie was gone.  I had two hours to clean the bathrooms.
     I love putting on music, cranking it up, and swabbing out toilets and sinks.  Well, not the toilet part.
     But our computer desk is a little messy.  So I sat down to clean it.
     I found the pamphlet Comcast provided with the new spiffy modem I picked up Wednesday.  I noticed I did not finish the installation.
     So I went to the address provided, changed the password from "password" to something I would remember, wrote it down, and proceeded to disconnect from the Internet.
     For the next 15 minutes, I randomly hit buttons and whatever to restore service because the directions had long stopped being helpful or making sense.
     I felt like I was venturing into worlds unknown.
     So I had to bring in tech support.
     At first, he thought the solution could be easily fixed on the phone....but oh no, not on my end.
     So John and Camryn came over to restore my Internet and faith in electronics.
     It was not easy.
     My new modem has built in WiFi.  My Apple whatever it is that sits on the corner of the desk and blinks at me from time to time, also has WiFi.
     What I had done is taken my new modem and when prompted to rename the network name from the randomly assigned and boring "network"  to what I was familiar with:  the Apple network name.
     So the two modems basically were having a dispute about access.  Neither was happy I had turned to the other.  It reminds me of a recurring dream I have involving two Danish girls and three quarts of whipped cream.
     Once John figured that out, it was only a few minutes to disable the new modem's WiFi and reestablish my Apple WiFi.
     But he did spend almost 40 minutes looking for the problem and finding it.
     My lessons:  Don't mess with technology.  Don't go beyond your capabilities.  Ask John.
     And the bathrooms are still not done.

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