Wednesday, February 4, 2015

feeling a little cranky tonight

Some things just bug the hell out of me

     We live in a world fraught with dangers, wars, disease, pestilence, want.....
     My complaints are of a much smaller nature.

     Who designs those packages with the "peel here to open" packaging?  They should be peeled and opened because lord knows I can't get at the stuff inside without a scissors or pliers.

     Why can't people put their cars in the cart corrals in parking lots?  I actually watched a guy load his SUV, then push the cart into an empty space even though he was 10 feet away from a cart corral!  If I didn't fear getting shot, I would have said something.

     Why do people who are afraid to drive in snowy conditions still drive and do 10 miles an hour?  If you are that scared, stay home!

     Telemarketers.  I do not have Com Ed, I won't support your candidate, and I really don't want to take your survey on whatever it is.  Leave me alone!

     People who go out in public in:  their pajamas, sweatpants that are too tight for them, wearing shirts with obscenities, exposing their stomachs by letting them hang uncovered over their belts! Seriously!!

     People who wait until the clerk totals up their purchase to start digging out their credit card, money, or worse yet, checkbook.  If you are buying something, you are going to have to pay so get the money out!

     Lines.  Except at Disney World.

     My inability to remember names.  Or at least, correct names.

     Typos in a newspaper.
     Self published books that were not proofed by someone with a basic knowledge of the English language.

     Tossing a pass at the one yard line.

     Beer vendors at the ball park.....why do they always stop and stand in front of me?

     People who smell.  I was behind a guy last week and almost gagged.  Showers and baths are a great benefit to your fellow man.

     People who don't read my blog.

     Thanks, I really do feel better now.  Glad I could get all that off my chest.

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