Tuesday, February 3, 2015

time for an update

I am not a statistics person

     I checked my stats page for this blog today.
     There have been 17,105 page views.  So 17,105 times you folks took the time to read, and hopefully laugh, at my daily life.
     People from 10 countries have at least 20 page views.  Of course, the US leads, and Switzerland is second.  Other countries where people have looked at a page include France, Germany, Russia, Poland, Ukraine, Turkey, Romania and Italy.  I get Switzerland, can even understand France and Germany, but the others must just be people fishing for stuff.  Maybe the former Soviet Republics don't have a lot of entertainment options.
     Sixteen percent of the viewers used an I Phone.  I guess if you are stuck in traffic and need a brief diversion, this could be the answer.
     And I have made 401 entries, counting this.
     Not bad for a person who can't complete things, although I will not this is the only goal I have completed in the past three years.
     I am 497 miles away from my goal of walking 500 miles, and 483 miles away from riding 500 miles. Conversely, my weight has crept up over the past two weeks.
     But now I have an antibiotic, some extra strength cough syrup, and a medically approved plan to restore my health in three days.
     We'll see about that!

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